Use browzine-discovery-service-adapters
to enhance Summon, 360 Core or Primo search results with BrowZine data.
adds links to Journal and Article content in BrowZine, and displays BrowZine Journal covers. The BrowZine Summon adapter supports IE11+ and evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge).
Summon Search Results Example
360 Core Search Results Example
Primo Search Results Example
Visit Third Iron support to request your library API endpoint -
You will receive your api
endpoint and your apiKey
Update the following code snippet with the api
endpoint and apiKey
var browzine = {
api: "",
apiKey: "ENTER API KEY",
browzine.script = document.createElement("script");
browzine.script.src = "";
Summon Custom Scripts are added in the Summon 2.0 External Script portion of the Summon Editor Settings:
Customize the naming conventions for each type of search result - Journal/Article - by changing the wording in the quotes below:
e.g. You can customize "View the Journal", "View Complete Issue", "Browse Now" and whether to enable direct to PDF links. These customizations are optional and the defaults are shown below.
var browzine = {
api: "",
apiKey: "ENTER API KEY",
journalWording: "View the Journal",
articleWording: "View Complete Issue",
journalBrowZineWebLinkText: "Browse Now",
articleBrowZineWebLinkText: "Browse Now",
articlePDFDownloadLinkEnabled: true,
articlePDFDownloadWording: "Article PDF",
articlePDFDownloadLinkText: "Download Now",
Update the following code snippet with the api
endpoint and apiKey
var browzine = {
api: "",
apiKey: "ENTER API KEY",
browzine.script = document.createElement("script");
browzine.script.src = "";
360 Core custom scripts are added in 360 Core > Administration Console > E-Journal Portal 2.0 > Branding Options > Reference External JavaScript > JavaScript file url:
Customize the naming conventions for each type of search result - Journal - by changing the wording in the quotes below:
e.g. You can customize "View Journal in BrowZine" to be a different phrase.
var browzine = {
api: "",
apiKey: "ENTER API KEY",
journalBrowZineWebLinkText: "View Journal in BrowZine",
Update the following code snippet with the api
endpoint and apiKey
(function () {
"use strict";
var app = angular.module('viewCustom', ['angularLoad']);
// Load BrowZine Adapter
window.browzine = {
api: "",
apiKey: "ENTER API KEY",
browzine.script = document.createElement("script");
browzine.script.src = "";
app.controller('prmSearchResultAvailabilityLineAfterController', function($scope) {
app.component('prmSearchResultAvailabilityLineAfter', {
bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' },
controller: 'prmSearchResultAvailabilityLineAfterController'
Upload this custom Primo package to your Primo view or add the contents of /js/custom.js to your existing customized Primo package.
Customize the naming conventions for each type of search result - Journal/Article - by changing the wording in the quotes below:
e.g. You can customize "View Issue Contents" to be a different phrase.
window.browzine = {
api: "",
apiKey: "ENTER API KEY",
journalBrowZineWebLinkText: "View Journal Contents",
articleBrowZineWebLinkText: "View Issue Contents",
articlePDFDownloadLinkEnabled: true,
articlePDFDownloadLinkText: "Download PDF",
Enhancements and Bugfixes should be developed against the ES5 standard and tested against evergreen browsers and IE10+.
git clone
this repository- change into the new directory
npm install
npm run server
(Runs a local webserver, visit http://localhost:8080)npm run tunnel
(Creates an ngrok tunnel, place this in the "Summon 2.0 External Script", e.g.
npm test
(Runs the Karma automated acceptance tests)
CircleCI executes deployments to S3 using the deploy-staging and deploy-production npm commands. Neither feature branches nor hotfix branches are deployed to S3.
The BrowZine Summon Adapter adapter can be found here:
The BrowZine 360 Core Adapter adapter can be found here:
The BrowZine Primo Adapter adapter can be found here: