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Study project - machine learning for insect monitoring

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Study project - machine learning for insect monitoring

This the repository for the study project ML4IM at the Institute of Geoinformatics (University Muenster). Our project report can be found here. Latex source code for building the report is published within ./report directory. Python code for preparing and running or experiments can be found in ./code directory, while scripts for evaluation are stored in ./R. Monitoring running experiments can be done via WandB. The best performing resulting models are published at releases page of this repository. Below you find an summary of the conducted experiments!


Channels Channel-Encoding ID Name Model
3 RGB 01 DVS_DVS_DVS Best performing model
3 RGB 02 DVS_DVS-TF_DVS Best performing model
3 RGB 03 DVS_DVS-BS_DVS-TF Best performing model
3 RGB 04 DVS_DVS-BS_DVS-BS-TF Best performing model
3 HSV 05 (DVS_DVS_DVS)-HSV Best performing model
3 HSV 06 (DVS_DVS-TF_DVS)-HSV Best performing model
3 HSV 07 (DVS_DVS-BS_DVS-TF)-HSV Best performing model
3 HSV 08 (DVS_DVS-BS_DVS-BS-TF)-HSV Best performing model
4 RGB 09 RGB-R_RGB-G_RGB-B_DVS Best performing model
4 RGB 10 DVS_DVS-BS_DVS-BS-TF_RGB-BS Best performing model


  • archive: Contains archived or deprecated files.
  • code: This directory holds all the code-related files.
    • frames: Possibly contains code related to handling or processing frames from videos.
    • preprocessing: Code related to preprocessing data, possibly for model training.
      • pycache: Cached Python files for faster execution.
    • utils: Utility functions or modules.
      • pycache: Cached Python files for faster execution.
    • yolov7_custom: The "yolov7_custom" directory contains a customized implementation of YOLOv7 and is cloned from the repository at
    • data: Data files.
    • videos: Video data.
      • tm_1: Data related to "tm_1".
        • 2023-09-30-perennial_garden_extssd: Data related to perennial garden with a specific date.
  • R: R language related files: Scripts that evaluate and visualize yolo results.
  • report: Files related to reports.
    • data: Data files related to the report.
      • cross-validation: Data related to cross-validation.
    • figures: Figures or visualizations for the report.
      • preprocessings: Preprocessing-related figures.
        • extracted_frames: Figures related to extracted frames.
      • results: Result-related figures.
        • boxplots: Boxplot figures.
  • results: Result files.
    • cross-validation: Cross-validation results.
  • scripts: Scripts.
  • visualizations: Visualizations or figures.
    • boxplots: Boxplot visualizations.
    • combined-results-wo-cross: Combined results without cross-validation visualizations.


The hole setup is optimized for using this repo both locally and on PALMA, if you setup the system in both environments following these instructions, it is easy to quickly change between both environments

  1. Clone the repository to your environment: git clone
  2. Setup your environment:
    1. Create a directory for your data
    2. Move the annotations ndjson file into this directory and rename it to annotations.ndjson
    3. Move the video data from sciebo into a subdirectory called videos. Inside this directory rename the video dir after your needs
  3. Setup .env file (Use .env.example file as basis)
    1. IS_LOCAL, to TRUE if you running local, FALSE if you are running on PALMA
    2. LOCAL_PATH_DATA, to the root of the data directory created in 2 on your local machine
    3. PALMA_PATH_DATA, to the root of the data directory created in 2 on PALMA commonly somethink like /scratch/tmp/<username>/path/to/project/data
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. cd into code
  6. Run different scripts based on usage


The documentation of each script inside ./code is retrievable by python <scriptname> -h

Dependency managment

You can generate the requirements.txt running pipreqs . from the root of this project (pipreqs is installable via pip)


Create a dataset

python3 -video_dir "original" -dataset_name "original-smaller" -amount_videos 5 -frames_per_video 100

Building a dataset with name original-smaller from the video directory original. Using the first 100 frames from 5 random sampled videos.



Scripts for direct usage (inside /code)

Each script, that should be directly called is inside the /code directory. The scripts are designed as CLI tools, which are documented in this section.

usage: [-h] -video_dir_name VIDEO_DIR_NAME
                                    -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                                    [-amount_videos AMOUNT_VIDEOS]
                                    [-frames_per_video FRAMES_PER_VIDEO]
                                    [-core_factor CORE_FACTOR]

Process videos.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -video_dir_name VIDEO_DIR_NAME
                        Path to the source videos folder
  -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                        Name of the created dataset
  -amount_videos AMOUNT_VIDEOS
                        Amount of random choosen videos for the dataset. If
                        the value is below 1, all videos are taken (default =
  -frames_per_video FRAMES_PER_VIDEO
                        Amount of frames per video. If the value is below 1,
                        all videos are taken (default = 0)
  -core_factor CORE_FACTOR
                        Capacity of system and cores. The function will
                        evaluate the number of available cpu cores and
                        multiplies them with this factor, to determine the
                        number of used threads. Needs to be in range [0,1]
                        (default = 0.25)

usage: [-h] -video_dir_name VIDEO_DIR_NAME -dataset_name
                        DATASET_NAME [-amount_videos AMOUNT_VIDEOS]
                        [-frames_per_video FRAMES_PER_VIDEO]

Process videos.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -video_dir_name VIDEO_DIR_NAME
                        Path to the source videos folder
  -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                        Name of the created dataset
  -amount_videos AMOUNT_VIDEOS
                        Amount of random choosen videos for the dataset. If
                        the value is below 1, all videos are taken (default =
  -frames_per_video FRAMES_PER_VIDEO
                        Amount of frames per video. If the value is below 1,
                        all videos are taken (default = 0)

usage: [-h] -source SOURCE [-txt TXT] -save
                                       SAVE -func FUNC [-inband INBAND]
                                       [-outband OUTBAND OUTBAND OUTBAND]
                                       [-core_factor CORE_FACTOR]

Process videos on band level.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -source SOURCE        Path to the source videos folder
  -txt TXT              Path to the input text file (default: mp4_files.txt)
  -save SAVE            Path to the output directory for preprocessed videos
  -func FUNC            Module and function name for the preprocessing
                        function (e.g., module_name.function_name)
  -inband INBAND        Input band for the preprocessing. If inband=-1, use
                        all bands; otherwise, use the band with index inband
                        (default: -1)
                        Used bands for preprocessing. Provide three boolean
                        values. For True use 1, for False 0 (default: 1 1 1,
                        meaning True True True)
  -core_factor CORE_FACTOR
                        Capacity of system and cores. The function will
                        evaluate the number of available cpu cores and
                        multiplies them with this factor, to determine the
                        number of used threads. Needs to be in range [0,1]
                        (default = 0.25)

usage: [-h] -source SOURCE [-txt TXT] -save SAVE -func
                           FUNC [-inband INBAND]
                           [-outband OUTBAND OUTBAND OUTBAND]

Process videos on band level.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -source SOURCE        Path to the source videos folder
  -txt TXT              Path to the input text file (default: mp4_files.txt)
  -save SAVE            Path to the output directory for preprocessed videos
  -func FUNC            Module and function name for the preprocessing
                        function (e.g., module_name.function_name)
  -inband INBAND        Input band for the preprocessing. If inband=-1, use
                        all bands; otherwise, use the band with index inband
                        (default: -1)
                        Used bands for preprocessing. Provide three boolean
                        values. For True use 1, for False 0 (default: 1 1 1,
                        meaning True True True)

usage: [-h] -source SOURCE -txt TXT -save
                                        SAVE -func FUNC
                                        [-core_factor CORE_FACTOR]

Process videos.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -source SOURCE        Path to the source videos folder
  -txt TXT              Path to the input text file
  -save SAVE            Path to the output directory for preprocessed videos
  -func FUNC            Module and function name for the preprocessing
                        function (e.g., module_name.function_name)
  -core_factor CORE_FACTOR
                        Capacity of system and cores. The function will
                        evaluate the number of available cpu cores and
                        multiplies them with this factor, to determine the
                        number of used threads. Needs to be in range [0,1]
                        (default = 0.25)

usage: [-h] -source SOURCE -txt TXT -save SAVE -func FUNC

Process videos.

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -source SOURCE  Path to the source videos folder
  -txt TXT        Path to the input text file
  -save SAVE      Path to the output directory for preprocessed videos
  -func FUNC      Module and function name for the preprocessing function
                  (e.g., module_name.function_name)

usage: [-h] -video_dir_name_event VIDEO_DIR_NAME_EVENT
                        -video_dir_name_rgb VIDEO_DIR_NAME_RGB -config_name
                        CONFIG_NAME -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                        [-amount_videos AMOUNT_VIDEOS]
                        [-frames_per_video FRAMES_PER_VIDEO] [-scene SCENE]
                        [-core_factor CORE_FACTOR]

Process videos.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -video_dir_name_event VIDEO_DIR_NAME_EVENT
                        Path to the source videos folder
  -video_dir_name_rgb VIDEO_DIR_NAME_RGB
                        Path to the source videos folder
  -config_name CONFIG_NAME
                        Name of the channel configuration file.
  -dataset_name DATASET_NAME
                        Name of the created dataset
  -amount_videos AMOUNT_VIDEOS
                        Amount of random choosen videos for the dataset. If
                        the value is below 1, all videos are taken (default =
  -frames_per_video FRAMES_PER_VIDEO
                        Amount of frames per video. If the value is below 1,
                        all videos are taken (default = 0)
  -scene SCENE          name of scene for validation
  -core_factor CORE_FACTOR
                        Capacity of system and cores. The function will
                        evaluate the number of available cpu cores and
                        multiplies them with this factor, to determine the
                        number of used threads. Needs to be in range [0,1]
                        (default = 1)

usage: [-h] -dataset DATASET -video_event_name
                                       VIDEO_EVENT_NAME -video_rgb_name
                                       VIDEO_RGB_NAME -config_name CONFIG_NAME
                                       [-exception_scenes EXCEPTION_SCENES [EXCEPTION_SCENES ...]]

Start scenic cross validation.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dataset DATASET      Name of the dataset which is used for training
  -video_event_name VIDEO_EVENT_NAME
                        Directory where the event videos are located
  -video_rgb_name VIDEO_RGB_NAME
                        Directory where the rgb videos are located
  -config_name CONFIG_NAME
                        Name of the configuration file
                        Array of scnees that will not be validated

> python3 -h
usage: [-h] -dataset DATASET [-epochs EPOCHS] [-batch BATCH]
                [-save_period SAVE_PERIOD] [-name NAME]
                [-model_path MODEL_PATH] [-device DEVICE] [-exist_ok] [-plots]

Train YOLO model.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dataset DATASET      Name of the dataset can be found as it is directory in
                        your "data/datasets" directory.
  -epochs EPOCHS        Number of training epochs (default: 100).
  -batch BATCH          Batch size for training, -1 uses an automatic approach
                        to define a well defined batch size(default: -1).
  -save_period SAVE_PERIOD
                        Save model checkpoints every N epochs (default: 10).
  -name NAME            The name of the run. It will use the dataset as
                        project and this name as name of the actual running
  -model_path MODEL_PATH
                        Path to the YOLO model configuration file (default:
  -device DEVICE        Device index for training (default: 0). Use arrays
                        (e.g. [0,1] for multiple gpu usage and "cpu" for using
  -exist_ok             Allow overwriting the project directory if it already
  -plots                Generate plots for each epoch(default: True).

Scripts for evaluating and visualizing results of trainings (./R)


This script combines multiple CSV files located in the "./results" directory. It calculates a weighted average of two specific columns ("metrics.mAP50.B." and "metrics.mAP50.95.B.") in each CSV file, finds the row with the maximum value, and combines this row from each file into a single dataframe called "res." The script then writes this combined dataframe to a CSV file named "combined-results.csv" in the same directory.


This script performs the following tasks:

  1. It retrieves a list of directories in the "../results" directory, excluding certain directories specified in the exclude_list.
  2. For each dataset in the datasets list, it performs the following steps:
    • Sets the dataset name as DATASET_NAME.
    • Constructs the path to the results directory for the current dataset.
    • Reads CSV files from the results directory, calculates the weighted average of specific columns, finds the row with the maximum value, and combines these rows into a dataframe called res.
    • Writes the res dataframe to a CSV file in the "results/cross-validation" directory with the dataset name as the filename.
    • Generates bar plots for each column (excluding the "name" column) in the res dataframe and saves them as PNG files in the "visualizations/DATASET_NAME" directory.

Additionally, the script defines a function generate_bar_plot to create bar plots using ggplot2, and it includes example usage of this function for generating bar plots.

compare_cross_validations.R (depracted/not in use)

This script performs the following operations:

  1. Reads three CSV files named "original.csv", "original_hsv.csv", and "o-bs-tf_hsv.csv" into separate data frames: preprocessing_1, preprocessing_2, and preprocessing_3, respectively.
  2. Removes rows from preprocessing_1 where the 'name' column ends with '2'.
  3. Combines the data from preprocessing_1 and preprocessing_3 into a single data frame named combined_data, adding a column indicating the preprocessing method.
  4. Converts the 'metrics.precision.B.' column of combined_data to numeric values.
  5. Conducts a Levene's test to assess the equality of variances of the 'metrics.precision.B.' variable across the different preprocessing methods.
  6. Constructs a matrix (precision_matrix) containing the 'metrics.precision.B.' values and the corresponding preprocessing groups.
  7. Performs a Friedman test to analyze whether there are differences in the 'metrics.precision.B.' values among the preprocessing methods, accounting for the repeated measures (indicated by the 'id' variable).
  8. Prints the results of the Friedman test.


This script performs the following tasks:

  1. It defines a function read_yolov7 to read data from a YOLOv7 results file.
  2. It reads YOLOv7 results files located in a specified directory (project) and stores the data in a list of data frames (result_list), where each element corresponds to a file.
  3. For each data frame in result_list, it calculates a weighted average of two metrics (map50 and map95) and selects the row with the maximum value.
  4. It defines a function transform_epoch to process the 'epoch' column of the selected data frame to extract numerical values.
  5. It renames columns in the selected data frame to match specific naming conventions.
  6. It adds columns for learning rates (lr.pg0, lr.pg1, lr.pg2) and writes the resulting data frame to a CSV file in the "results/cross-validation" directory with the project name as the filename.


This script performs the following tasks:

  1. It defines a function add_filename_column to extract the filename from the 'File' column and add it as a new column 'Filename' in the dataframe.
  2. It initializes lists for experiment names (experiment_names) and experiment IDs (experiment_ids) based on predefined mappings.
  3. It sets up parameters, colors, and y-labels for creating boxplots.
  4. It reads CSV files from the "results/cross-validation" directory and stores the data in a list of data frames.
  5. It combines all data frames into a single data frame (df) and adds a 'Filename' column.
  6. It creates boxplots for each parameter using ggplot2, with data grouped by experiment ID.
  7. It saves the boxplot visualizations as PNG files in the "visualizations/boxplots" directory.

This script is designed to visualize the distribution of certain metrics (e.g., precision, recall, [email protected], etc.) across different experiments, helping to analyze and compare the performance of different configurations or setups.


This script generates box plots using ggplot2. It then creates box plots to visualize the distribution of different metrics across various experiments.

  1. Defines a function create_boxplot to create box plots.
  2. Defines experiment names mapping.
  3. Defines a function add_filename_column to extract filename information from the 'File' column and add it as a new column 'Filename' in the dataframe.
  4. Reads data from CSV files located in the "results/cross-validation" directory and stores it in a list of data frames.
  5. Combines all data frames into a single data frame (df) and converts it from wide to long format using the pivot_longer function from the tidyr package.
  6. Orders the 'Filename' factor levels according to a desired order.
  7. Maps experiment names to the 'Filename' factor levels.
  8. Creates a box plot using the create_boxplot function, specifying the value column, category columns, title, and metric labels.
  9. Saves the generated box plot as a PNG file in the "visualizations/boxplots" directory.


This script compares the fitness scores of two different preprocessing methods using a one-sided paired t-test.

  1. It defines paths to two CSV files containing the cross-validation results for two different preprocessing methods: preprocessing_1_path and preprocessing_2_path.
  2. It specifies a list of parameters to compare, including precision, recall, [email protected], [email protected], and fitness.
  3. It reads the data from the CSV files into separate data frames: data_1 for preprocessing method 1 and data_2 for preprocessing method 2.
  4. It calculates fitness scores for each method based on the formula 0.1 * metrics.mAP50.B. + 0.9 * metrics.mAP50.95.B..
  5. It conducts a one-sided paired t-test, testing the hypothesis that the fitness score for preprocessing method 1 is greater than that for preprocessing method 2 (alternative = "greater").
  6. It prints the results of the t-test.


This compares multiple CSV files containing cross-validation results by performing a pairwise t-test on a weighted combination metric derived from each file.

  1. Load Necessary Libraries: It loads the tidyverse and broom libraries for data manipulation and statistical analysis.

  2. Define Functions:

    • calculate_metric: This function calculates a weighted combination metric from the cross-validation results, where the metric is computed as 0.1 * metrics.mAP50.B. + 0.9 * metrics.mAP50.95.B..
    • perform_t_test: This function performs a one-sided t-test with the alternative hypothesis that the first dataset's metric is greater than the second dataset's metric.
    • compare_csv_files: This function reads CSV files from a specified directory, performs pairwise t-tests on the calculated metrics, and visualizes the results using a heatmap. It iterates over all pairs of CSV files, calculates p-values using the perform_t_test function, and populates a matrix with the results.
  3. Example Usage:

    • It specifies the directory containing the CSV files (dir_location) and calls the compare_csv_files function to compare the CSV files within that directory.
    • The heatmap generated by the compare_csv_files function visualizes the p-values resulting from the pairwise t-tests. Lower p-values indicate a more significant difference between the compared datasets.


  1. Load Libraries: The script starts by loading the necessary libraries, including stringr, dplyr, kableExtra, and tibble.

  2. Define Functions:

    • fitness: This function calculates a fitness metric based on the weighted sum of metrics.mAP50.95.B. and metrics.mAP50.B. from the input data.
    • calculate_t_tests: This function conducts paired t-tests between all combinations of columns in the input data frame and returns a matrix of p-values.
    • generate_latex_table: This function generates LaTeX code for a table from the results of the t-tests. It includes conditional formatting to highlight statistically significant results.
  3. Data Processing:

    • The script reads CSV files from a specified directory and creates a data frame (df) containing fitness metrics calculated using the fitness function.
  4. T-Test Calculation:

    • The calculate_t_tests function is then applied to the df data frame to compute pairwise t-tests between different experiments based on their fitness metrics.
  5. Generate LaTeX Code:

    • Finally, the generate_latex_table function converts the t-test results into LaTeX code for creating a formatted table. It includes conditional formatting to highlight statistically significant results.
  6. Print LaTeX Code:

    • The generated LaTeX code is printed to the console.


The reads CSV files containing cross-validation results from a specified directory, calculates a fitness metric based on the weighted sum of metrics.mAP50.95.B. and metrics.mAP50.B., and then summarizes statistics for a specific metric across different experiments.

  1. Load Necessary Libraries: The script loads the stringr library.

  2. Define File Paths and Experiment IDs: It specifies the directory containing the CSV files and assigns experiment IDs to each file based on their names.

  3. Define Fitness Function: The fitness function calculates the fitness metric based on the specified weights for metrics.mAP50.95.B. and metrics.mAP50.B..

  4. Define Parameters: The script defines a vector parameters containing the names of metrics to analyze. It selects the fifth parameter (metrics.mAP50.95.B.) for analysis.

  5. Loop Through Files: It iterates over each CSV file in the specified directory.

  6. Data Processing:

    • For each file, it reads the CSV data.
    • It checks if the number of rows in the CSV data is not equal to 10. If not, it removes duplicate entries based on the first 38 characters of the name column.
    • It calculates the fitness metric for each file and stores the specified parameter (metrics.mAP50.95.B.) in a temporary data frame.
  7. Generate Summary Statistics: For each experiment, the script calculates and prints the mean, maximum, minimum, and median values of the selected metric (metrics.mAP50.95.B.).


The script performs the following tasks:

  1. Set Directory and List Files: It sets the directory containing the CSV files and lists all files in that directory.

  2. Exclude Certain Files: It excludes specific files (exclude_files) from the list of files.

  3. Define Fitness Function: The fitness function calculates the fitness metric based on the weighted sum of metrics.mAP50.95.B. and metrics.mAP50.B..

  4. Read CSV Files and Compute Fitness: It reads each CSV file, calculates the fitness metric for each file, and creates a data frame (df) to store the fitness values.

  5. Prepare Data for Plotting:

    • It extracts the first 19 characters of the file names (nms) to use as column names in the data frame.
    • It assigns the column names to the data frame.
    • It adds an index column to the data frame.
    • It converts the data frame from wide to long format using pivot_longer from the tidyr package.
  6. Write Data to CSV: It writes the data frame (df) to a CSV file named "fitness.csv".

  7. Plotting:

    • It plots the evolution of fitness values over epochs for each file using ggplot2.
    • The plot includes lines for each variable (file) colored differently.
    • It sets the title, subtitle, labels, and theme for the plot.
    • It saves the plot as an image file named "fitness.png".

| rgb_to_hsv | 3 needed | 3 needed | No implementation for preprocess_bands | No |


Study project - machine learning for insect monitoring






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