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Insert explicit return expressions in functions/macros/do-blocks
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This patch make sure that function definitions end with an explicit
`return` statement before the last expression in the body.

If `for` or `while` is the last expression a `return nothing` node is
inserted after the loop instead of `return for ...`.

`if`, `try`, `let`, and `begin` are currently are left as they are.
Perhaps in the future Runic will recurse down into branches, or insert
`return if` but for now this is left alone.

Another exception is also made whenever the last expression is a call to
`throw` or `error` because it is pretty clear that the function will not
return in this case (`return throw(...)` look silly).

Closes #43.
  • Loading branch information
fredrikekre committed Aug 25, 2024
1 parent 13b6402 commit 57e5cd3
Show file tree
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Showing 6 changed files with 226 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Runic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ function, ::MIME"text/plain", node::Node)
show(io, node)
_show_green_node(io, node, "", 1, nothing, true)
return nothing

function, node::Node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,6 +436,7 @@ function format_node!(ctx::Context, node::Node)::Union{Node, Nothing, NullNode}
@return_something no_spaces_around_colon_etc(ctx, node)
@return_something parens_around_op_calls_in_colon(ctx, node)
@return_something for_loop_use_in(ctx, node)
@return_something explicit_return(ctx, node)
@return_something braces_around_where_rhs(ctx, node)
@return_something indent_multiline_strings(ctx, node)
@return_something four_space_indent(ctx, node)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ToggleableAsserts.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ assert_enabled() = true

macro assert(expr)
code = macroexpand_assert(expr)
:(assert_enabled() ? $(code) : nothing)
return :(assert_enabled() ? $(code) : nothing)

const toggle_lock = ReentrantLock()
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/debug.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ function Base.showerror(io::IO, err::AssertionError)
"please file an issue with a reproducible example at " *
return nothing

function macroexpand_assert(expr)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/main.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ function maybe_expand_directory!(outfiles, dir)
return nothing

function main(argv)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +300,7 @@ function main(argv)
cmd = setenv(ignorestatus(cmd); dir = dir)
cmd = pipeline(cmd, stdout = stderr, stderr = stderr)
return nothing

Expand Down
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions src/runestone.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3346,3 +3346,160 @@ function remove_trailing_semicolon(ctx::Context, node::Node)
seek(ctx.fmt_io, pos)
return any_changed ? make_node(node, kids′) : nothing

function return_node(ctx::Context, ret::Node)
ws = Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"Whitespace", JuliaSyntax.TRIVIA_FLAG), 1)
kids = [
Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"return", 0), 6),
if is_leaf(ret)
replace_bytes!(ctx, "return ", 0)
push!(kids, ws)
push!(kids, ret)
@assert kind(first_leaf(ret)) !== K"NewlineWs"
has_ws = kind(first_leaf(ret)) === K"Whitespace"
if has_ws
replace_bytes!(ctx, "return", 0)
push!(kids, ret)
replace_bytes!(ctx, "return ", 0)
push!(kids, ws)
push!(kids, ret)
return Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"return", 0), kids)

function explicit_return_block(ctx, node)
@assert kind(node) === K"block"
kids = verified_kids(node)
rexpr_idx = findlast(!JuliaSyntax.is_whitespace, kids)
rexpr_idx === nothing && return nothing
rexpr = kids[rexpr_idx]
kind(rexpr) === K"return" && return nothing
if is_leaf(rexpr) ||
kind(rexpr) in KSet"call dotcall tuple vect ref hcat typed_hcat vcat typed_vcat \
? && || :: juxtapose <: >: comparison string . -> comprehension do macro \
typed_comprehension where parens curly function quote global local =" ||
is_string_macro(rexpr) ||
is_assignment(rexpr) ||
kind(rexpr) === K"quote" && JuliaSyntax.has_flags(rexpr, JuliaSyntax.COLON_QUOTE)
# The cases caught in this branch are simple, just wrap the last expression in a
# return node. Also make sure the previous node is a K"NewlineWs".
for i in 1:(rexpr_idx - 1)
accept_node!(ctx, kids[i])
# If this is a call node, and the call the function name is `throw` or `error` we
# bail because `return throw(...)` looks kinda stupid.
if kind(rexpr) === K"call"
call_kids = verified_kids(rexpr)
fname_idx = findfirst(!JuliaSyntax.is_whitespace, call_kids)::Int
local fname
let p = position(ctx.fmt_io)
for i in 1:(fname_idx - 1)
accept_node!(ctx, call_kids[i])
fname = String(read_bytes(ctx, call_kids[fname_idx]))
seek(ctx.fmt_io, p)
if fname === "throw" || fname === "error"
return nothing
# We will make changes so copy
kids′ = copy(kids)
# Make sure the previous node is a K"NewlineWs"
if !kmatch(kids′, KSet"NewlineWs", rexpr_idx - 1)
spn = 0
@assert kind(first_leaf(rexpr)) !== K"NewlineWs"
# Can it happen that there are whitespace hidden in the previous node?
# Let's see if this assert ever fire.
if rexpr_idx > 1
prev = kids′[rexpr_idx - 1]
if !is_leaf(prev)
@assert !(kind(last_leaf(prev)) in KSet"Whitespace NewlineWs")
# Check whether there are whitespace we need to overwrite
if kmatch(kids′, KSet"Whitespace", rexpr_idx - 1)
# The previous node is whitespace
spn = span(popat!(kids′, rexpr_idx - 1))
seek(ctx.fmt_io, position(ctx.fmt_io) - spn)
rexpr_idx -= 1
@assert kind(first_leaf(rexpr)) !== K"Whitespace"
elseif kind(first_leaf(rexpr)) === K"Whitespace"
# The first child in the return node is whitespace
spn = span(first_leaf(rexpr))
rexpr = replace_first_leaf(rexpr, nullnode)
nl = "\n" * " "^(4 * ctx.indent_level)
nlnode = Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"NewlineWs", JuliaSyntax.TRIVIA_FLAG), sizeof(nl))
insert!(kids′, rexpr_idx, nlnode)
rexpr_idx += 1
replace_bytes!(ctx, nl, spn)
accept_node!(ctx, nlnode)
ret = return_node(ctx, rexpr)
kids′[rexpr_idx] = ret
return make_node(node, kids′)
elseif kind(rexpr) in KSet"for while"
# For `for` and `while` loops we add `return nothing` after the block.
@assert kind(kids[end]) === K"NewlineWs"
@assert kind(last_leaf(rexpr)) === K"end"
insert_idx = lastindex(kids)
kids′ = copy(kids)
for i in 1:(insert_idx - 1)
accept_node!(ctx, kids′[i])
# Insert newline
nl = "\n" * " "^(4 * ctx.indent_level)
nlnode = Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"NewlineWs", JuliaSyntax.TRIVIA_FLAG), sizeof(nl))
insert!(kids′, insert_idx, nlnode)
replace_bytes!(ctx, nl, 0)
accept_node!(ctx, nlnode)
# Insert `return nothing`
replace_bytes!(ctx, "return nothing", 0)
retnode = Node(
JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"return", 0), [
Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"return", 0), 6),
Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"Whitespace", JuliaSyntax.TRIVIA_FLAG), 1),
Node(JuliaSyntax.SyntaxHead(K"Identifier", 0), 7),
insert!(kids′, insert_idx + 1, retnode)
return make_node(node, kids′)
elseif kind(rexpr) in KSet"if try let block macrocall $"
# These have been seen in the wild.
# - `if` and `try` could be recursed into, but is that really so nice? `return if`?
# Perhaps if no branches have `return`?
# `if` without `else` could have `return nothing` at the end.
# - `macrocall` could be inspected and have return if the argument is simple, e.g.
# `@inbounds x[i]` -> `return @inbounds x[i]`.
# - block (begin-end) and let could be recursed into?
# - `$` could be anything but only used in eval so not super common...
# error("Unhandled node in explicit_return_block: $(kind(rexpr))")
return nothing

function explicit_return(ctx::Context, node::Node)
if !(!is_leaf(node) && kind(node) in KSet"function macro do")
return nothing
kids = verified_kids(node)
pos = position(ctx.fmt_io)
block_idx = findlast(x -> kind(x) === K"block", verified_kids(node))
block_idx === nothing && return nothing
for i in 1:(block_idx - 1)
accept_node!(ctx, kids[i])
block′ = explicit_return_block(ctx, kids[block_idx])
seek(ctx.fmt_io, pos)
block′ === nothing && return nothing
kids′ = copy(kids)
kids′[block_idx] = block′
return make_node(node, kids′)

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