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Enforce leading and trailing newline in blocklike constructs
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This patch introduces formatting for all blocklike constructs
(`if`/`try`/`function`/`begin`/`for`/`while`/...) such that inner block
always start and end with a newline character.

For example,
if x print("x") else print("y") end
will be reformatted as
if x

An exception is (currently) made for comments, for example
if x # comment
will *not* be formatted as
if x
    # comment
even though the comment is technically inside the block.

Closes #35.
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fredrikekre committed Aug 21, 2024
1 parent af1b737 commit 48b0ea8
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Showing 4 changed files with 626 additions and 111 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Runic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ function Context(
src_tree = Node(
JuliaSyntax.parseall(JuliaSyntax.GreenNode, src_str; ignore_warnings = true, version = v"2-"),
fmt_io = IOBuffer()
fmt_tree = nothing
# Set up buffers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,6 +357,9 @@ function format_node_with_kids!(ctx::Context, node::Node)
# The node should be replaced with the new one. Reset the stream and try
# again until it is accepted.
@assert kid′′ isa Node
if !is_leaf(kid′′)
@assert span(kid′′) == mapreduce(span, +, verified_kids(kid′′); init = 0)
this_kid_changed = true
seek(ctx.fmt_io, fmt_pos)
kid′ = kid′′
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149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/chisels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,155 @@ function stringify_flags(node::Node)
return String(take!(io))

# The parser is somewhat inconsistent(?) with where e.g. whitespace nodes end up so in order
# to simplify the formatting code we normalize some things.
function normalize_tree!(node)
is_leaf(node) && return
kids = verified_kids(node)

# Move standalone K"NewlineWs" (and other??) nodes from between the var block and the
# body block in K"let" nodes.
# Note that this happens before the whitespace into block normalization below because
# for let we want to move it to the subsequent block instead.
if kind(node) === K"let"
varsidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids)::Int
bodyidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, varsidx + 1)::Int
r = (varsidx + 1):(bodyidx - 1)
if length(r) > 0
items = kids[r]
deleteat!(kids, r)
bodyidx -= length(r)
body = kids[bodyidx]
prepend!(verified_kids(body), items)
kids[bodyidx] = make_node(body, verified_kids(body))

# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in blocks. For example in `if x y end` the space will be
# outside the block just before the K"end" node, but in `if x\ny\nend` the K"NewlineWs"
# will end up inside the block.
if kind(node) in KSet"function if elseif for while try do macro module baremodule let struct module"
blockidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids)
while blockidx !== nothing && blockidx < length(kids)
if kind(kids[blockidx + 1]) !== K"Whitespace"
# TODO: This repeats the computation below...
blockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, blockidx + 1)
# Pop the ws and push it into the block instead
block = kids[blockidx]
blockkids = verified_kids(block)
@assert !(kind(blockkids[end]) in KSet"Whitespace NewlineWs")
push!(blockkids, popat!(kids, blockidx + 1))
# Remake the block to recompute the span
kids[blockidx] = make_node(block, blockkids)
# Find next block
blockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, blockidx + 1)

# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in if-elseif-else chains where the node needs to move
# many steps into the last else block...
if kind(node) === K"if"
elseifidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"elseif", kids)
if elseifidx !== nothing
endidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"end", kids, elseifidx + 1)::Int
if elseifidx + 2 == endidx && kind(kids[elseifidx + 1]) === K"Whitespace"
# Pop the ws and push it into the last block instead
ws = popat!(kids, elseifidx + 1)
elseifnode = insert_into_last_else_block(kids[elseifidx], ws)
@assert elseifnode !== nothing
kids[elseifidx] = elseifnode

# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in try-catch-finally-else
if kind(node) === K"try"
catchidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) in KSet"catch finally else", kids)
while catchidx !== nothing
if kind(kids[catchidx + 1]) === K"Whitespace"
ws = popat!(kids, catchidx + 1)
catchnode = insert_into_last_catchlike_block(kids[catchidx], ws)
@assert catchnode !== nothing
kids[catchidx] = catchnode
catchidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) in KSet"catch finally else", kids, catchidx + 1)

# Normalize K"NewlineWs" nodes in empty do-blocks
if kind(node) === K"do"
tupleidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"tuple", kids)::Int
blockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, tupleidx + 1)::Int
@assert tupleidx + 1 == blockidx
tuple = kids[tupleidx]
tuplekids = verified_kids(tuple)
if kind(tuplekids[end]) === K"NewlineWs"
# If the tuple ends with a K"NewlineWs" node we move it into the block
block = kids[blockidx]
blockkids = verified_kids(block)
@assert kind(blockkids[1]) !== K"NewlineWs"
pushfirst!(blockkids, pop!(tuplekids))
# Remake the nodes to recompute the spans
kids[tupleidx] = make_node(tuple, tuplekids)
kids[blockidx] = make_node(block, blockkids)

@assert kids === verified_kids(node)
for kid in kids
ksp = span(kid)
@assert span(kid) == ksp
# We only move around things inside this node so the span should be unchanged
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)
return node

function insert_into_last_else_block(node, ws)
@assert kind(node) === K"elseif"
kids = verified_kids(node)
elseifidx = findfirst(x -> !is_leaf(x) && kind(x) === K"elseif", kids)
if elseifidx !== nothing
@assert elseifidx == lastindex(kids)
elseifnode′ = insert_into_last_else_block(kids[elseifidx], ws)
@assert elseifnode′ !== nothing
kids[elseifidx] = elseifnode′
return make_node(node, kids)
# Find the else block
elseifblockidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids)::Int
elseleafidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"else", kids, elseifblockidx + 1)::Int
elseblockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, elseleafidx + 1)::Int
@assert elseblockidx == lastindex(kids)
elseblock = kids[elseblockidx]
# Insert the node
elseblockkids = verified_kids(elseblock)
@assert !(kind(elseblockkids[end]) in KSet"NewlineWs Whitespace")
push!(elseblockkids, ws)
# Remake the else block
kids[elseblockidx] = make_node(elseblock, elseblockkids)
# Remake and return the elseif node
return make_node(node, kids)

function insert_into_last_catchlike_block(node, ws)
@assert kind(node) in KSet"catch finally else"
kids = verified_kids(node)
catchblockidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids)::Int
@assert catchblockidx == lastindex(kids)
catchblock = kids[catchblockidx]
catchblockkids = verified_kids(catchblock)
@assert !(kind(catchblockkids[end]) in KSet"NewlineWs Whitespace")
push!(catchblockkids, ws)
# Remake the catch block
kids[catchblockidx] = make_node(catchblock, catchblockkids)
# Remake and return the catch node
return make_node(node, kids)

# Node tags #

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