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Better syntax tree normalization
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This patch changes the parsed syntax tree normalization with the goal of
simplifying the formatting code. JuliaSyntax is not very consistent with
where whitespace ends up which make formatting tricky since you always
have to "peek" into the next node (sometimes multiple levels) to check
if the next leaf is e.g. whitespace. This patch reworks the
normalization to "bubble up" whitespace so that all nodes start and end
with a non-whitespace node.

For example, given `a + b * c`, the output from JuliaSyntax is:


and now after normalization the leading whitespace of the `*`-call is
bubbled up:


As seen from the diff, this make it possible to remove a lot of
complicated code that were necessary to handle the random whitespace
placement. In particular, there is no need to peek into the nodes to
check for whitespace.

As a bonus, this fixes two issues:
 - `global\n\n x = 1` would previously not indent correctly because we
   had to double-peek (first into the `=` node, then into the LHS node).
 - `runic: (off|on) toggling within array literals. Previously the
   toggle comments would end up inside the `row` nodes so in the tree
   they weren't on the same "level" which is required for the toggling.
  • Loading branch information
fredrikekre committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent 91fff16 commit 36f65aa
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Showing 3 changed files with 292 additions and 423 deletions.
154 changes: 105 additions & 49 deletions src/chisels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,81 +77,97 @@ function stringify_flags(node::Node)
return String(take!(io))

function pop_if_whitespace!(popf!::F, node) where {F}
if !is_leaf(node) && begin
kids = verified_kids(node)
length(kids) > 0 &&
JuliaSyntax.is_whitespace(popf! === popfirst! ? kids[1] : kids[end])
ws = popf!(kids)
@assert JuliaSyntax.is_whitespace(ws)
node′ = make_node(node, kids)
@assert span(node) == span(node′) + span(ws)
return node′, ws
return nothing, nothing

# The parser is somewhat inconsistent(?) with where e.g. whitespace nodes end up so in order
# to simplify the formatting code we normalize some things.
function normalize_tree!(node)
is_leaf(node) && return
is_leaf(node) && return node
kids = verified_kids(node)

# Move standalone K"NewlineWs" (and other??) nodes from between the var block and the
# body block in K"let" nodes.
# Note that this happens before the whitespace into block normalization below because
# for let we want to move it to the subsequent block instead.
# For K"let" the token (K"NewlineWs" or K";") separating the vars block from the
# body ends up in between the two K"block" nodes. Move it into the body block.
if kind(node) === K"let"
varsidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids)::Int
bodyidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, varsidx + 1)::Int
r = (varsidx + 1):(bodyidx - 1)
if length(r) > 0
items = kids[r]
deleteat!(kids, r)
bodyidx -= length(r)
body = kids[bodyidx]
prepend!(verified_kids(body), items)
kids[bodyidx] = make_node(body, verified_kids(body))
blockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, varsidx + 1)::Int
while blockidx != varsidx + 1
grandkid = popat!(kids, blockidx - 1)
blockidx -= 1
block = kids[blockidx]
pushfirst!(verified_kids(block), grandkid)
kids[blockidx] = make_node(block, verified_kids(block))
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)

# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in blocks. For example in `if x y end` the space will be
# outside the block just before the K"end" node, but in `if x\ny\nend` the K"NewlineWs"
# will end up inside the block.
# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in blocks. For example in `if x y end` the space
# will be outside the block just before the K"end" node, but in `if x\ny\nend` the
# K"NewlineWs" will end up inside the block.
if kind(node) in KSet"function if elseif for while try do macro module baremodule let struct module"
blockidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids)
while blockidx !== nothing && blockidx < length(kids)
if kind(kids[blockidx + 1]) !== K"Whitespace"
# TODO: This repeats the computation below...
blockidx = 0
while let

Check warning on line 121 in src/chisels.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L121 was not covered by tests
blockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, blockidx + 1)
blockidx !== nothing && blockidx < length(kids)
if kind(kids[blockidx + 1]) !== K"Whitespace"
# Pop the ws and push it into the block instead
block = kids[blockidx]
blockkids = verified_kids(block)
@assert !(kind(blockkids[end]) in KSet"Whitespace NewlineWs")
push!(blockkids, popat!(kids, blockidx + 1))
# Remake the block to recompute the span
kids[blockidx] = make_node(block, blockkids)
# Find next block
blockidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"block", kids, blockidx + 1)
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)

# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in if-elseif-else chains where the node needs to move
# many steps into the last else block...
# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in if-elseif-else chains where the node needs to
# move many steps into the last else block.
if kind(node) === K"if"
elseifidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) === K"elseif", kids)
if elseifidx !== nothing
endidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) === K"end", kids, elseifidx + 1)::Int
if elseifidx + 2 == endidx && kind(kids[elseifidx + 1]) === K"Whitespace"
# Pop the ws and push it into the last block instead
ws = popat!(kids, elseifidx + 1)
elseifnode = insert_into_last_else_block(kids[elseifidx], ws)
@assert elseifnode !== nothing
kids[elseifidx] = elseifnode
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)

# Normalize K"Whitespace" nodes in try-catch-finally-else
if kind(node) === K"try"
catchidx = findfirst(x -> kind(x) in KSet"catch finally else", kids)
while catchidx !== nothing
catchidx = 0
while let

Check warning on line 156 in src/chisels.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L156 was not covered by tests
catchidx = findnext(
x -> kind(x) in KSet"catch finally else", kids, catchidx + 1
catchidx !== nothing
@assert catchidx + 1 <= length(kids)
if kind(kids[catchidx + 1]) === K"Whitespace"
ws = popat!(kids, catchidx + 1)
catchnode = insert_into_last_catchlike_block(kids[catchidx], ws)
@assert catchnode !== nothing
kids[catchidx] = catchnode
catchidx = findnext(x -> kind(x) in KSet"catch finally else", kids, catchidx + 1)
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)

# Normalize K"NewlineWs" nodes in empty do-blocks
Expand All @@ -161,7 +177,7 @@ function normalize_tree!(node)
@assert tupleidx + 1 == blockidx
tuple = kids[tupleidx]
tuplekids = verified_kids(tuple)
if kind(tuplekids[end]) === K"NewlineWs"
if length(tuplekids) > 0 && kind(tuplekids[end]) === K"NewlineWs"
# If the tuple ends with a K"NewlineWs" node we move it into the block
block = kids[blockidx]
blockkids = verified_kids(block)
Expand All @@ -173,13 +189,63 @@ function normalize_tree!(node)
kids[tupleidx] = make_node(tuple, tuplekids)
kids[blockidx] = make_node(block, blockkids)
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)

@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)
@assert kids === verified_kids(node)
for kid in kids
ksp = span(kid)
@assert span(kid) == ksp

# Loop over the kids to bubble up whitespace
i = 0
while i < lastindex(kids)
i += 1
kid = kids[i]

# Recursively normalize the kid to bubble up whitespace to the front. This should
# never change the node kind or the span, just internally reorganize the tokens.
kid′ = normalize_tree!(kid)
@assert kid === kid′
is_leaf(kid) ||
@assert span(kid) == mapreduce(span, +, verified_kids(kid); init = 0)

# If the kid is a K"block" we don't bubble up whitespace since it is more convenient
# to keep it inside the block (see e.g. `indent_block` which relies on this for
# making sure blocks starts/ends with a K"NewlineWs").
if kind(kid) === K"block"
# If this is a begin-block (or quote-block) we can still bubble up the
# whitespace since the begin and end tokens are inside of the block. I don't
# think this currently happens though so for now we just assert.
if is_begin_block(kid)
@assert kind(verified_kids(kid)[1]) === K"begin"
@assert kind(verified_kids(kid)[end]) === K"end"
elseif is_begin_block(kid, K"quote")
@assert kind(verified_kids(kid)[1]) === K"quote"
@assert kind(verified_kids(kid)[end]) === K"end"
elseif is_paren_block(kid)
@assert kind(verified_kids(kid)[1]) === K"("
@assert kind(verified_kids(kid)[end]) === K")"

# Extract any leading whitespace and insert it before the node.
while ((kid′, ws) = pop_if_whitespace!(popfirst!, kid); ws !== nothing)
@assert kid′ !== nothing
@assert kind(kid′) === kind(kid)
kids[i] = kid = kid′
insert!(kids, i, ws)
i += 1

# Extract any trailing whitespace and insert it after the node.
while ((kid′, ws) = pop_if_whitespace!(pop!, kid); ws !== nothing)
# Trailing whitespace have only been seen in the wild in these three cases
@assert kind(kid) in KSet"row nrow parameters"
@assert kid′ !== nothing
@assert kind(kid′) === kind(kid)
kids[i] = kid = kid′
insert!(kids, i + 1, ws)
# We only move around things inside this node so the span should be unchanged
@assert span(node) == mapreduce(span, +, kids; init = 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,17 +448,6 @@ function second_leaf(node::Node)
return nth_leaf(node, 2)

# TODO: This should probably be merged with kmatch or something...
function peek_leafs(node::Node, leaf_kinds::Tuple)
for (i, leaf_kind) in pairs(leaf_kinds)
ith = nth_leaf(node, i)
if ith === nothing || kind(ith) !== leaf_kind
return false
return true

# Return number of non-whitespace kids, basically the length the equivalent
# (expr::Expr).args
function meta_nargs(node::Node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,9 +677,10 @@ function first_non_whitespace_kid(node::Node)
return kids[idx]

function is_begin_block(node::Node)
function is_begin_block(node::Node, token = K"begin")
@assert token in KSet"begin quote"
return kind(node) === K"block" && length(verified_kids(node)) > 0 &&
kind(verified_kids(node)[1]) === K"begin"
kind(verified_kids(node)[1]) === token

function is_paren_block(node::Node)
Expand Down

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