- gwt-oauth2 : The core library
- sample : A demo application
Live demo: https://gwt-oauth2.appspot.com/
1. Add the Maven dependency
2. Add <inherits name="io.github.freddyboucher.gwt.oauth2.OAuth2"/>
to your GWT module XML file.
3. Use it as follow:
public class App implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
Button button = new Button("Google", (ClickHandler) event -> {
AuthRequest req =
new AuthRequest("https", "accounts.google.com", "o/oauth2/auth", "GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID")
.setParameter("scope", "email profile openid");
Auth.get().login(req, new Callback<Map<String, String>, Throwable>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable reason) {
GWT.log(null, reason);
public void onSuccess(Map<String, String> result) {
String token = result.get("access_token");
}, "access_token");
- 1.2
- Fix: Deal with issue that oauth window cannot access parent window custom JS by switching to
window.postMessage (as a result, you do not need to add the
compilation option to your project anymore).
- Fix: Deal with issue that oauth window cannot access parent window custom JS by switching to
window.postMessage (as a result, you do not need to add the
- 1.1
- Fix: Avoid Google api.js name collision by renaming
- Fix: Avoid Google api.js name collision by renaming
- 1.0
- Expose TokenStore and add TokenStore#keySet and TokenStore#remove
- 1.0-RC2
- Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerText' of null
- Add 'viewport' meta to have a readable message on Mobile device
- 1.0-RC1
- Update GWT to 2.9.0
- Migrate JSNI to JsInterop / elemental2
- 0.5
- Map<String, String> result - values are still URL encoded #10
- 0.4
- Map<String, String> result - values are URL encoded #8
- Callback is never consumed when manually closing the login window #9
- 0.3
- Initial release
Code must pass Google Java Style Guide.