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🚀 Fran Dieguez dotfiles

Repository containing all the automations required to setup my development machine in just a few seconds after a fresh install.

Files on this repository are the important configurations that I'm using all the day and I don't want to lose. Feel free to use them and provide me any trick if you think that it could make me life easier. 😬

Among these files you will find highly opinionated configurations for:

  • Bash
  • bspwm
  • Git
  • Gitignore
  • mutt
  • screen
  • Tmux
  • Vim/Nvim
  • Zsh

☝️ How to install it

You can install all the configurations at one once using:

  git clone ~/.dotfiles;
  cd ~/.dotfiles;

and your are done.

This is the recommended way if you know what are you doing :) If you don't want to do this, continue reading... 😬

🍫 Installation by components

Clone the repo and link the files that you want in your $HOME path.


cd $HOME;ln -s .dots/vimrc .vimrc

What's in it?

🐌 Shell

  • In order to make as much configurations available for all shells I have all the common aliases, functions and general configurations available at src/config/shell.

  • Custom shell prompt to show git information shell prompt

  • Tons Shell aliases and scripts:

    • b for bundle.
    • g with no arguments is git status and with arguments acts like git.
    • git-churn to show churn for the files changed in the branch.
    • migrate for rake db:migrate && rake db:rollback && rake db:migrate.
    • mcd to make a directory and change into it.
    • replace foo bar **/*.rb to find and replace within a given list of files.
    • tat to attach to tmux session named the same as the current directory.
    • v for $VISUAL.

💾 zsh + zimfw

  • Specific configurations available at src/zsh/
  • Use ohmyzsh for plugin management
    • Enabled vi mode
    • Plugins installed for technologies that I use

🖊️ vim configuration:

  • Use vim-plug to manage plugins.
  • Ctrl-P for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding.
  • Run many kinds of tests from vim
  • Set <leader> to a single space.
  • Syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript, Textile, Cucumber, Haml, Markdown, and HTML.
  • Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
  • Map <leader>ct to re-index Exuberant Ctags.
  • Use vim-mkdir for automatically creating non-existing directories before writing the buffer.

✉️ tmux configuration:

  • Improve color resolution.
  • Set prefix to Ctrl+a
  • Use custom colorscheme for status bar.

🐙 git configuration:

  • Adds a create-branch alias to create feature branches.
  • Adds a delete-branch alias to delete feature branches.
  • Adds a merge-branch alias to merge feature branches into master.
  • Adds an up alias to fetch and rebase origin/master into the feature branch. Use git up -i for interactive rebases.
  • Adds post-{checkout,commit,merge} hooks to re-index your ctags.
  • Adds pre-commit and prepare-commit-msg stubs that delegate to your local config.

📋 Languages: I try to simplify configuration for languages that I use:

  • PHP configurations:
    • Composer in $PATH
  • node configurations:
    • nvm
    • yarn
    • npm
  • Golang configurations:
    • goenv
    • gopath
  • Ruby configuration:
    • Add trusted binstubs to the PATH.
    • Load rbenv into the shell, adding shims onto our PATH.

🤝 Contributing

The idea of this repo is to add new settings to it during my own setup process and allow you to contribute to it 🙂

It would be awesome to learn from your experience automating the setup of your environment. So please, feel free to send me your tips and tricks via Twitter (@frandieguez), or opening an issue.

⚖️ License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License for more information.

dotfiles is copyright © 2016-2019 Fran Dieguez. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the [LICENSE] file.

ℹ️ About the author


dotfiles is maintained by Fran Dieguez, ported to use 🌚 dotly


Configuration files for my toolbox







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