Charminator is a jQuery plugin that lets you do awesome text randomization visual effects. Let's say you have a span with some text:
<span id='yourelement-id'>text</span>
$('#yourelement-id').charminator() will make your text appear gradually letter by letter, instead of being displayed all at once. Moreover the new letter appearing has a cool randomization effect, changing quickly random chars taken from a set of letters you give as parameters (or the whole alphabet by default). You can also turn off the progressive behavior and get random strings of your original text size rolling over your eyes for the duration and number of times you wish. And of course you can also pass a complete callback to do some stuff once the animation is over.
Here you will find a test for the plugin.
chars: ['a','b','c','d'], //set of chars to use for randomization - default: lowercased alphabet
duration: 15, //ms a letter stays before being changed - default: 15
iterations: 30, //number of letter changes - default: 50
progressive: true, //turn on/off progressive behaviour - default: true
complete: function() { //callback - default: undefined
All parameters are optional. Whenever a parameter is missing, default values apply.
Note that this plugin works better with monospaced font families as all letters have the same size (this avoids text flickering when changing from one letter to another).
As of version 0.0.1 the html content of elements you use the plugin with gets flatten, meaning that such elements MUST contain only text and not other html childnodes if you don't want undesired effects.