This project contains a Vagrant/VirtualBox setup to build the Nerves Project (, an embedded Erlang environment for the BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi.
To install VirtualBox and Vagrant using homebrew ( :
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew update
brew install brew-cask
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant
The VagrantFile describes the VM setup (important to increase the default memory size and use the specified version
of Ubuntu - newer versions don't appear to have the correct libraries available). The
file is
run when the vagrant environment is initially started with vagrant up
or by running vagrant provision
. It will
download the Nerves project and build an image for the Raspberry Pi.
The default Raspberry Pi setup makes the HDMI output the console. To make the debug console be the default output,
ssh to the image and modify the file ~/nerves-sdk/board/nerves-common/rootfs-additions/etc/erlinit.config
and run make
For info on connecting to the Raspberry Pi via the USB console cable, see: You will need the appropriate USB-serial driver from here:
When finished, run vagrant ssh
to connect to the VM. Then run:
cp nerves-sdk/buildroot/output/images/nerves-rpi-base.img /vagrant/
To copy the SD card image back to the host machine (the /vagrant
directory is mapped back to the directory of the
VagrantFile on the host machine).
On the host machine (MacOS X), insert the SD card and run the following commands:
diskutil list
# note the /dev/disk# of the SD card
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk#
sudo dd if=nerves-rpi-base.img of=/dev/rdisk# bs=1m
Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi, then run:
# where the values after PL2303- will be machine specific
screen /dev/cu.PL2303-000014FA 115200
To connect via screen to the console of the Raspberry Pi. The default nerves-minimal image will provide you with an Erlang console.
SD card creation instructions from: See the section: Using command line tools (1)