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🐾 Explorer: structs and locals
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fonsp committed Mar 16, 2020
1 parent a7e7b3d commit 56baf3b
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Showing 4 changed files with 142 additions and 50 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name = "Pluto"
uuid = "c3e4b0f8-55cb-11ea-2926-15256bba5781"
license = "MIT"
authors = ["Fons van der Plas <[email protected]>", "Mikołaj Bochenski <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.3.0"
version = "0.3.1"

HTTP = "cd3eb016-35fb-5094-929b-558a96fad6f3"
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16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions assets/editor.html
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
body {
margin: 0px;
font-size: 17px;
overflow-anchor: none;

/* more sensible defaults for html tags: */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +183,6 @@
min-height: 25px;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
overflow: auto;

code {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,9 +495,10 @@ <h2>

function updateLocalCellOutput(cellNode, mime, output, errormessage) {

oldHeight = cellNode.querySelector("celloutput").scrollHeight

if (errormessage) {
cellNode.querySelector("celloutput").innerHTML = "<pre><code></code></pre>"
cellNode.querySelector("celloutput").querySelector("code").innerText = errormessage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,6 +539,13 @@ <h2>
cellNode.querySelector("celloutput").querySelector("code").innerText = output

newHeight = cellNode.querySelector("celloutput").scrollHeight

focusedCell = document.querySelector("cell:focus-within")
if(focusedCell == cellNode){
window.scrollBy(0, newHeight - oldHeight)

function updateLocalCellInput(byMe, uuid, code) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -776,11 +784,9 @@ <h2>

console.log("update event received")
// console.log(event)
console.log("update received:")
try {
update = JSON.parse(
console.log("output deserialized")

forMe = !(("notebookID" in update) && (update.notebookID != notebookID))
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106 changes: 82 additions & 24 deletions src/ExploreExpression.jl
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,27 @@ function union(a::ScopeState, b::ScopeState)

function ==(a::SymbolsState, b::SymbolsState)
return a.references == b.references && a.assignments == b.assignments
a.references == b.references && a.assignments == b.assignments

function will_assign_global(assignee::Symbol, scopestate::ScopeState)::Bool
(scopestate.inglobalscope || assignee in scopestate.exposedglobals) && !(assignee in scopestate.hiddenglobals)

function get_global_assignees(assignee_exprs, scopestate::ScopeState)
global_assignees = Set{Symbol}()
for ae in assignee_exprs
if isa(ae, Symbol)
will_assign_global(ae, scopestate) && push!(global_assignees, ae)
if ae.head == :(::)
will_assign_global(ae.args[1], scopestate) && push!(global_assignees, ae.args[1])
@warn "Unknown assignee expression"

# We handle a list of function arguments separately.
Expand All @@ -46,10 +66,12 @@ function extractfunctionarguments(funcdef::Expr)::Set{Symbol}
if isa(a, Symbol)
push!(argnames, a)
elseif isa(a, Expr)
if a.head == :parameters || a.head == :tuple # second is for ((a,b),(c,d)) -> a*b*c*d stuff
if a.head == :(::)
push!(argnames, a.args[1])
elseif a.head == :parameters || a.head == :tuple # second is for ((a,b),(c,d)) -> a*b*c*d stuff
push!(argnames, extractfunctionarguments(a)...)
elseif a.head == :kw || a.head == :(=) # first is for unnamed function arguments, second is for lambdas
push!(argnames, a.args[1])
push!(argnames, extractfunctionarguments(a.args[1])...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,6 +118,9 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
if ex.args[1].head == :tuple
# (x, y) = (1, 23)
elseif ex.args[1].head == :(::)
# TODO: type is referenced
elseif ex.args[1].head == :ref
# TODO: what is the desired behaviour here?
# right now, it registers no reference, and no assignment
Expand All @@ -115,9 +140,7 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
val = ex.args[2]

global_assignees = filter(assignees) do assignee
scopestate.inglobalscope || assignee in scopestate.exposedglobals
global_assignees = get_global_assignees(assignees, scopestate)

# If we are _not_ assigning a global variable
for assignee in setdiff(assignees, global_assignees)
Expand All @@ -144,7 +167,7 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
operator = Symbol(string(ex.head)[1:end - 1])
expanded_expr = Expr(:(=), ex.args[1], Expr(:call, operator, ex.args[1], ex.args[2]))
return explore!(expanded_expr, scopestate)
elseif ex.head == :let || ex.head == :for
elseif ex.head == :let || ex.head == :for || ex.head == :while
# Creates local scope

# Because we are entering a new scope, we create a copy of the current scope state, and run it through the expressions.
Expand All @@ -156,6 +179,21 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState

return symstate
elseif ex.head == :struct
# Creates local scope

structname = assignee = if isa(ex.args[2], Symbol)
# We have: struct a <: b
# TODO: record reactive reference to type
structfields = ex.args[3].args

equiv_func = Expr(:function, Expr(:call, structname, structfields...), Expr(:block, nothing))

return explore!(equiv_func, scopestate)
elseif ex.head == :generator
# Creates local scope

Expand All @@ -167,36 +205,40 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
elseif ex.head == :function
# Creates local scope

funcname = assignee = ex.args[1].args[1]
funcargs = ex.args[1]
funcroot = if ex.args[1].head == :(::)
# TODO: record reactive reference to type

assigning_global = scopestate.inglobalscope || assignee in scopestate.exposedglobals

funcname = assignee = funcroot.args[1]

# is either [funcname] or []
global_assignees = get_global_assignees([funcname], scopestate)

# Because we are entering a new scope, we create a copy of the current scope state, and run it through the expressions.
innerscopestate = deepcopy(scopestate)
innerscopestate.hiddenglobals = union(innerscopestate.hiddenglobals, extractfunctionarguments(funcargs))
innerscopestate.hiddenglobals = union(innerscopestate.hiddenglobals, extractfunctionarguments(funcroot))
innerscopestate.inglobalscope = false
for a in ex.args[2:end]
innersymstate = explore!(a, innerscopestate)
symstate = symstate innersymstate

if assigning_global
scopestate.hiddenglobals = union(scopestate.hiddenglobals, [assignee])
symstate.assignments = union(symstate.assignments, [assignee])
scopestate.hiddenglobals = union(scopestate.hiddenglobals, global_assignees)
symstate.assignments = union(symstate.assignments, global_assignees)

return symstate
elseif ex.head == :(->)
# Creates local scope

funcargs = ex.args[1]
funcroot = ex.args[1]

# Because we are entering a new scope, we create a copy of the current scope state, and run it through the expressions.
innerscopestate = deepcopy(scopestate)
innerscopestate.hiddenglobals = union(innerscopestate.hiddenglobals, extractfunctionarguments(funcargs))
innerscopestate.hiddenglobals = union(innerscopestate.hiddenglobals, extractfunctionarguments(funcroot))
innerscopestate.inglobalscope = false
for a in ex.args[2:end]
innersymstate = explore!(a, innerscopestate)
Expand All @@ -212,13 +254,13 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
# global x = 1;
# global x += 1;

# `globalised` is everything that comes after `global`
# where x can also be a tuple:
# global a,b = 1,2

globalisee = ex.args[1]

if isa(globalisee, Symbol)
scopestate.exposedglobals = union(scopestate.exposedglobals, [globalisee])
# symstate.assignments = union(symstate.assignments, [globalisee])
elseif isa(globalisee, Expr)
innerscopestate = deepcopy(scopestate)
innerscopestate.inglobalscope = true
Expand All @@ -228,6 +270,24 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
@error "unknow global use"

return symstate
elseif ex.head == :local
# Does not create scope

# Logic similar to :global
localisee = ex.args[1]

if isa(localisee, Symbol)
scopestate.hiddenglobals = union(scopestate.hiddenglobals, [localisee])
elseif isa(localisee, Expr)
innerscopestate = deepcopy(scopestate)
innerscopestate.inglobalscope = false
innersymstate = explore!(localisee, innerscopestate)
symstate = symstate innersymstate
@error "unknow local use"

return symstate
elseif ex.head == :tuple
# Does not create scope
Expand All @@ -249,10 +309,8 @@ function explore!(ex::Expr, scopestate::ScopeState)::SymbolsState
if indexoffirstassignment !== nothing
recursers = ex.args[indexoffirstassignment:end]

exposed = filter(ex.args[1:indexoffirstassignment - 1]) do a::Symbol
(scopestate.inglobalscope || a in scopestate.exposedglobals) && !(a in scopestate.hiddenglobals)

exposed = get_global_assignees(ex.args[1:indexoffirstassignment - 1], scopestate)

scopestate.exposedglobals = union(scopestate.exposedglobals, exposed)
symstate.assignments = union(symstate.assignments, exposed)
Expand Down
68 changes: 48 additions & 20 deletions test/ExploreExpression.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ using Test
using Pluto
import Pluto.ExploreExpression: SymbolsState, compute_symbolreferences

verbose = true

function testee(expr, ref, def)
function testee(expr, ref, def, verbose=true)
expected = SymbolsState(Set(ref), Set(def))
result = compute_symbolreferences(expr)
if verbose && expected != result
Expand All @@ -21,6 +19,10 @@ function testee(expr, ref, def)
return expected == result

# nowarn tests are for functionality that is not yet implemented
# (but we don't want any expressions to error/warn)
# Once the functionality has been implemented, they should be changed to normal tests

@testset "Explore Expressions" begin
@testset "Basics" begin
@test testee(:(a), [:a], [])
Expand All @@ -30,25 +32,35 @@ end
@test testee(:(x = 1 + y), [:+, :y], [:x])
@test testee(:(x = +(a...)), [:+, :a], [:x])

@test_nowarn testee(:(x::Int64 = 3), [], [:x, :Int64], false)
@testset "Lists and structs" begin
@test testee(:(1:3), [:(:)], [])
@test testee(:(a[1:3,4]), [:a, :(:)], [])
@test testee(:(a[1:3,4] = b[5]), [:b], [])
@test testee(:(, [:a], [])
@test testee(:( = 1), [], [])

@test testee(:(struct a; c; d; end), [], [:a])

@test_nowarn testee(:(struct a <: b; c; d::Int64; end), [:b, :Int64], [:a], false)
@testset "Modifiers" begin
@test testee(:(a = a + 1), [:a, :(+)], [:a])
@test testee(:(a += 1), [:a, :(+)], [:a])
@test testee(:(a[1] += 1), [:a, :(+)], [])
@test testee(:(x = let a = 1; a += b end), [:(+), :b], [:x])
@test testee(:(minimum(x) do (a, b); a + b end), [:(+), :x, :minimum], [])
@testset "`for` & `while`" begin
@test testee(:(for k in 1:n; k + s; end), [:n, :s, :+, :(:)], [])
@test testee(:(for k in 1:2, r in 3:4; global z = k + r; end), [:+, :(:)], [:z])
@test testee(:(while k < 2; r = w; global z = k + r; end), [:k, :(<), :w, :+], [:z])
@testset "Comprehensions" begin
@test testee(:([sqrt(s) for s in 1:n]), [:sqrt, :n, :(:)], [])
@test testee(:([s + j + r + m for s in 1:3 for j in 4:5 for (r, l) in [(1, 2)]]), [:+, :m, :(:)], [])
# @test testee(:([a for a in a]), [:a], [])
# @test testee(:(a = [a for a in a]), [:a], [:a])

@test testee(:("a $(b = c)"), [:c], [:b])
@test_nowarn testee(:([a for a in a]), [:a], [], false)
@test_nowarn testee(:(a = [a for a in a]), [:a], [:a], false)
@testset "Multiple expressions" begin
@test testee(:(x = let r = 1; r + r end), [:+], [:x])
Expand All @@ -57,29 +69,42 @@ end
@test testee(:((k = 2; 123)), [], [:k])
@test testee(:((a = 1; b = a + 1)), [:+], [:a, :b])
@test testee(:(let k = 2; 123 end), [], [])

@test_nowarn testee(:(a::Int64, b::String = 1, "2"), [:Int64, :String], [:a, :b], false)
@testset "Functions" begin
@test testee(:(function g() r = 2; r end), [], [:g])
@test testee(:(function f(x, y = 1; r, s = 3 + 3) r + s + x * y * z end), [:z, :+, :*], [:f])
@test testee(:(function f(x) x * y * z end), [:y, :z, :*], [:f])
@test testee(:(function f(x) x = x / 3; x end), [:/], [:f])
@test testee(:(f = x->x * y), [:y, :*], [:f])
@test testee(:(f = (x, y)->x * y), [:*], [:f])
@test testee(:(f(x, y = a + 1) = x * y * z), [:*, :z], [:f])
@test testee(:((((a, b), c), (d, e))->a * b * c * d * e * f), [:*, :f], [])
@test testee(:(f = (x, y = a + 1)->x * y), [:*], [:f])
@test testee(:(function g() r = 2; r end), [], [:g])
@test testee(:(function f(x, y = 1; r, s = 3 + 3) r + s + x * y * z end), [:z, :+, :*], [:f])
@test testee(:(function f(x, y = a; r, s = b) r + s + x * y * z end), [:z, :+, :*], [:f])
@test testee(:(function f(x) x * y * z end), [:y, :z, :*], [:f])
# @test testee(:(function f(x::T; k = 1) where T return x+1 end), [:+], [:f])
@test testee(:(minimum(x) do (a, b); a + b end), [:(+), :x, :minimum], [])

@test_nowarn testee(:(function f(y::Int64 = a)::String string(y) end), [:Int64, :String, :string], [:f], false)
@test_nowarn testee(:(function f(x::T; k = 1) where T return x + 1 end), [:+], [:f], false)
@testset "Global exposure" begin
@testset "Scope modifiers" begin
@test testee(:(let global a, b = 1, 2 end), [], [:a, :b])
@test testee(:(let global k = 3; 123 end), [], [:k])
@test testee(:(let global k; k = 2123 end), [], [:k])
@test testee(:(let global a; b = 1 end), [], [])
@test testee(:(let global k = 3 end), [], [:k])
@test testee(:(let global k += 3 end), [:+, :k], [:k])
@test testee(:(let global k; k = 4 end), [], [:k])
@test testee(:(let global k; b = 5 end), [], [])

@test testee(:(begin local a, b = 1, 2 end), [], [])
@test testee(:(begin local k = 3 end), [], [])
@test testee(:(begin local k += 3 end), [:+], [])
@test testee(:(begin local k; k = 4 end), [], [])
@test testee(:(begin local k; b = 5 end), [], [:b])

@test testee(:(function f(x) global k = x end), [], [:k, :f])
@test testee(:((begin x = 1 end, y)), [:y], [:x])
@test testee(:(x = let global a += 1 end), [:(+), :a], [:x, :a])
@testset "import/using" begin
@testset "`import` & `using`" begin
@test testee(:(using Plots), [], [:Plots])
@test testee(:(using JSON, UUIDs), [], [:JSON, :UUIDs])
@test testee(:(import Pluto), [], [:Pluto])
Expand All @@ -90,6 +115,9 @@ end
@test testee(:(html"a $(b = c)"), [Symbol("@html_str")], [])
@test testee(:(md"a $(b = c)"), [Symbol("@md_str"), :c], [:b])
@test testee(:(md"a \$(b = c)"), [Symbol("@md_str")], [])
# @test testee(:(), [], [])
@testset "String interpolation" begin
@test testee(:("a $b"), [:b], [])
@test testee(:("a $(b = c)"), [:c], [:b])

2 comments on commit 56baf3b

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@fonsp fonsp commented on 56baf3b Mar 16, 2020

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