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usulpro committed Sep 6, 2024
1 parent ad14702 commit 0d25ea3
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
to: ContentBlocks/<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>/Component.tsx
import React from 'react';

import { withCMS } from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity';
import { ContentBlockGeneric } from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity/sanity';
import { GenericRichText } from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity/common';

import { sa } from './sa-adapters';
import { SmartImage } from '../../ContentComponents/SmartImage';
import { Section, SectionProps } from '../../ContentComponents/Section';

const RichTextComponents = {
block: {
h2: ({ children }: { children: React.ReactElement }) => (
<h2 className="text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 sm:text-4xl">
normal: ({ children }: { children: React.ReactElement }) => (
<p className="mt-2 text-lg leading-8 text-gray-600">{children}</p>

type Props = ContentBlockGeneric & {
title: string;
description: object;
image: object;
backgroundColor: string;
blockOptions: SectionProps;

function <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>(props: Props) {
const { title, description, image, backgroundColor, blockOptions } = props;
return (
className={`text-3xl pb-6 bg-[${backgroundColor}]`}
>{`<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>: ${title}`}</h3>
<GenericRichText value={description} components={RichTextComponents} />
{image && (
<div className="h-80 w-full overflow-hidden my-5">
<SmartImage imageWithMetadata={image} />
<details className="my-10">
<summary>Click to view the props</summary>
<pre className="text-sm">
<code>{JSON.stringify(props, null, 2)}</code>

export default withCMS({ sa })(<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
to: ContentBlocks/<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>/index.ts
* This is a template content block intended to serve as a sample for creating new blocks. It contains the minimal required structure and functional components.
* If you wish to quickly add this block to your project, simply navigate through all the files in the root directory of the `blocks` folder and uncomment the relevant imports and insertions.
* Afterward, you can edit the block as needed. However, a more scalable and recommended approach for adding new components involves the following steps:
* 1. Copy the <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %> folder to a new folder with the desired component name.
* 2. Rename the component, schema, and template names from <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %> to your chosen name.
* 3. Import all elements of your new component in the files within the `blocks` folder, similar to how <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %> is imported.
* 4. You will then be able to see your component in the Sanity plugin and add it to a page.
* 5. Edit the component's code and schema, and update the template as necessary.
* 6. Repeat these steps to create additional components.

export { default as <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %> } from './Component';

* The Content Block consists of the
* following main parts:
* 1. React Component - see the
* `Component.tsx` file. This is the
* primary location where the rendering
* of your component on the page is
* defined. Edit this file to set the
* design and behavior of the component.
* If necessary, feel free to split the
* component into multiple files. Treat
* it as a regular React component. The
* component should be wrapped in a HOC:
* `export default withCMS({ sa })(<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>);`,
* where you need to pass the adapter
* function to convert CMS content into
* component props.
* 2. Adapter Function - see the
* `sa-adapters.ts` file. Note: If you
* are developing a component for a
* project that uses a single CMS as
* the content source, this function
* is not mandatory. You can directly
* pass the content into the component
* and handle it as needed. However,
* using such a function is a convenient
* pattern if you need to perform
* consistent transformations on the
* content before passing it to the
* component.
* 3. CMS Schema for the Component -
* see the `sa-schemas.ts` file. This
* file defines the schema of the
* component for the CMS. The schema
* is included in the overall content
* model of the CMS and specifies which
* fields will be set in the CMS for
* this content block. The values of
* these fields will be passed as props
* to the component (after being
* processed by the adapter function).
* 4. Component Template(s) - see the
* `sa-templates.ts` file. This file
* can specify one or more sample
* content values for this block. All
* specified samples will be available
* for selection in the CMS plugin. By
* setting various sample content
* variations, you can showcase the
* block's potential uses to the content
* editor and simplify their interaction
* with the CMS.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
to: ContentBlocks/<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>/sa-adapters.ts
import { getCmsKey, AdapterFn } from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity';
import { vercelStegaSplit } from '@vercel/stega';

type SaProps = {
_type: string;
_id: string;

// @ts-ignore
export const sa: AdapterFn = (cmsProps: SaProps) => {
// const backgroundColor = vercelStegaSplit(
// // @ts-ignore
// cmsProps?.backgroundColor || 'white',
// ).cleaned;
return {
key: getCmsKey(cmsProps),
// cmsProps.backgroundColor,
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
to: ContentBlocks/<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>/sa-schema.ts
import {
} from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity/sanity';
import { defineBlockType } from '../../sa-config';
import { blockOptions } from '../../ContentComponents/Section';

export const <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %> = defineBlockType(({ df }) => ({
name: '<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>',
type: 'object',
title: '<%= h.inflection.titleize(name) %>',
fields: [
name: 'title',
type: 'string',
name: 'description',
name: 'image',
name: 'backgroundColor',
type: 'string',
name: 'blockOptions',
components: { preview: BlockPreview },
preview: {
select: {
customTitle: 'title',
components: 'components',
blockOptions: 'blockOptions',
// @ts-ignore
prepare({ components, blockOptions, customTitle }) {
return {
title: customTitle || '<%= h.inflection.titleize(name) %>',

export default [<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>];
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
to: ContentBlocks/<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, false) %>/sa-templates.ts
import { TemplateArea, TemplateCategory } from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity';
import type { SanityTemplate } from '@focus-reactive/cms-kit-sanity/sanity';

import { <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %> } from './sa-schema';
import <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>DefaultJSON from './templates/sa-mock-default.json';
import { namespace } from '../../namespace.config';

const <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>Default: SanityTemplate = {
name: '<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>',
type: <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>.name,
title: '<%= h.inflection.titleize(name) %>',
description: 'Starting block for development',
category: TemplateCategory.pageBlock,
template: <%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>DefaultJSON,
height: 600 + 4, // 4 is iframe border

export default [<%= h.inflection.camelize(name, true) %>Default];

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