The goal of metabolic
is to provide all the data and the tools
necessary to reproduce the meta-analysis published in Medicine &
Science in Sports &
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CRAN with:
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# install.packages("remotes")
#> # A tibble: 391 × 21
#> study endpoint population age category_age duration category_duration
#> <chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <fct>
#> 1 Abdelbasse… BMI T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 2 Abdelbasse… HbA1c T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 3 Abdelbasse… HDL T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 4 Abdelbasse… HOMA-IR T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 5 Abdelbasse… LDL T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 6 Abdelbasse… Total C… T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 7 Abdelbasse… Triglyc… T2D 54.6 > 50 y 8 5 - 10 weeks
#> 8 Bækkerud 2… Body Ma… Overweigh… 40 30 - 50 y 6 5 - 10 weeks
#> 9 Bækkerud 2… Flow-me… Overweigh… 40 30 - 50 y 6 5 - 10 weeks
#> 10 Bækkerud 2… VO2max Overweigh… 40 30 - 50 y 6 5 - 10 weeks
#> # ℹ 381 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: men_ratio <dbl>, category_men_ratio <fct>,
#> # type_exercise <chr>, bsln <dbl>, bsln_adjusted <dbl>, category_bsln <fct>,
#> # N_HIIE <dbl>, Mean_HIIE <dbl>, SD_HIIE <dbl>, N_MICT <dbl>,
#> # Mean_MICT <dbl>, SD_MICT <dbl>, HIIE <chr>, desired_effect <chr>
#> # A tibble: 115 × 33
#> study groups sample_population sample_fitness sample_men_ratio
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Abdelbasset 2020 HIIT "T2D" N/R 0.63
#> 2 Abdelbasset 2020 MICT "T2D" N/R 0.53
#> 3 Bækkerud 2016 HIIT "Overweight\nObese" Sedentary 0.41
#> 4 Bækkerud 2016 MICT "Overweight\nObese" Sedentary 0.41
#> 5 Beetham 2019 HIIT "Overweight\nObese" Active 0.66
#> 6 Beetham 2019 MICT "Overweight\nObese" Active 0.8
#> 7 Burgomaster 2008 SIT "Healthy" Sedentary 0.5
#> 8 Burgomaster 2008 MICT "Healthy" Sedentary 0.5
#> 9 Ciolac 2010 HIIT "Healthy" Sedentary 0
#> 10 Ciolac 2010 MICT "Healthy" Sedentary 0
#> # ℹ 105 more rows
#> # ℹ 28 more variables: anamnese_smoker <chr>,
#> # anamnese_medicines_to_control_BP <chr>, age <dbl>,
#> # design_type_of_exercise <chr>, design_sample_size <chr>,
#> # design_training_duration <dbl>, design_training_frequency <chr>,
#> # design_exercise_intensity <chr>, hiie_n_reps <chr>,
#> # hiie_rep_duration <chr>, hiie_work_rest_ratio <chr>, compliance <dbl>, …
perform_meta(endpoint = "VO2max")
#> ────────────────────────── * VO2max meta-analysis * ──────────────────────────
#> ✔ 'Overall'
#> ✔ └─ Performing meta-analysis
#> ✔ └─ Performing sensitivity analysis
#> ✔ └─ Meta-analysis results are robust! Keep going!
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Population subgroup
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Age subgroup
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Training Duration subgroup
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Men Ratio subgroup
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Type of Exercise subgroup
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Baseline subgroup
#> ✔ Performing meta-analysis and meta-regression on the Type of HIIE subgroup
#> ────────────────────────────────── * DONE * ──────────────────────────────────
#> # A tibble: 8 × 4
#> subgroup meta_analysis sensitivity_analysis meta_regression
#> <chr> <named list> <named list> <named list>
#> 1 Overall <metacont> <metainf> <lgl [1]>
#> 2 Population <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> 3 Age <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> 4 Training Duration <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> 5 Men Ratio <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> 6 Type of Exercise <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> 7 Baseline Values <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> 8 Type of HIIE <metacont> <lgl [1]> <metareg>
#> To cite metabolic in publications use:
#> Maturana M, Felipe, Martus, Peter, Zipfel, Stephan, Nieß, M A (2020).
#> "Effectiveness of HIIE versus MICT in Improving Cardiometabolic Risk
#> Factors in Health and Disease: a meta-anaylsis." _Medicine & Science
#> in Sports & Exercise_, *Published Ahead of Print*.
#> doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000002506
#> <>,
#> <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Article{,
#> title = {Effectiveness of HIIE versus MICT in Improving Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Health and Disease: a meta-anaylsis},
#> author = {Mattioni Maturana and {Felipe} and {Martus} and {Peter} and {Zipfel} and {Stephan} and {Nieß} and Andreas M},
#> journal = {Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise},
#> volume = {Published Ahead of Print},
#> year = {2020},
#> url = {},
#> doi = {10.1249/MSS.0000000000002506},
#> }