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Location top panel and Location selection ‐view

AnttiRumpunen edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 3 revisions

Location top panel

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Location top panel is used to choose which location is used to fetch weather data. Location panel has Locate-button for using device's own location ability and a section for manual location selection from a list of saved or previously searched locations or user can search location with a search string.

Pressing Locate-button will ask device to locate it. Location accuracy is totally device dependant. After locating device will deliver coordinates which are used to find a name for the location. This name is shown in the location selection -section. If user is located to a location via Locate-button, a small pin -icon is shown next to the location name.

Location selection -section has the name of location which is selected or where user is located to as well as a Search -button. If user is located to a location via Locate-button, a small pin -icon is shown next to the location name. Selecting either of those will open the Location selection -view.

Location selection -view

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This view has elements for showing info panel about view's functions, searching a location with a string, locating user to a location, selecting and editing saved locations and a list of previously searched locations.

Info-button will open a bottom slider panel bottom which contains help about how different UI elements work.

Search location -section

Search for a location -input field uses autocomplete interface to find location names which match search string. Search results are listed below the input field. User can select a location and/or user can save that location to saved locations -list by selecting star shaped Remember -button on the same row as location. Remember -button can also be used to "forget" the saved location so it's not listed in Saved locations -list.

Find my location -button works similar as Locate-button. Selecting this will also close Location selection -view.

My places -section

My places -section lists all saved locations. User can select a location from the list and app will close the Location selection -view and set selected location as selected location (center map or show weather data for that location for example). User can save that location to saved locations -list by selecting star shaped Remember -button on the same row as location. This section is only visible if there is saved locations. There is also a button for forgetting all saved locations: Clear all my places.

Previous searches -section

Previous searches -section show a number of previously searched locations. User can select a location from the list and app will close the Location selection -view and set selected location as selected location (center map or show weather data for that location for example). User can save that location to saved locations -list by selecting star shaped Remember -button on the same row as location. There is also a button for forgetting all searched locations: Clear all previous searches.