This is a simple Actor model project, using Rust and Coerce. I've used it as a learning plateform.
graph TB;
id{MQTT} --> Reader
Reader --> Persistence
Reader --> Parser
Parser --> User
Parser --> Notification
User --> Parser
Persistence --> id1[(Database)]
User --> id1[(Database)]
id1[(Database)] --> User
Each square nodes represent an unique actor
Examples environnement variables:
# DB
POSTGRES_USER="postgres" # Database user connection
POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" # Database password connection
POSTGRES_PORT=5432 # Database port
POSTGRES_HOST="localhost" # Database host
POSTGRES_DB="actor_discovery" # Database name
MQTT_HOST="localhost" # The MQTT host server
MQTT_PORT=1883 # The MQTT port server
Run commands:
# Setup .env
touch .env
$EDITOR .env # Use your favorite editor
# If you are on nix
# nix-shell
# Debug | Run
cargo run
# Build
cargo build --release
# Setup .env
cp .env.default .env
# Run
docker-compose run -d
Please don't forget to setup the env file before launching the docker-compose. The default .env file is this one .env.default.