Releases: flashcatcloud/categraf
Releases · flashcatcloud/categraf
What's Changed
- fix input kafka cluster label overwrite bug (#68) by @xiaoziv in #69
- update tags to keep up with kube_state_metrics by @lsy1990 in #73
- resolve panic and add some debug log by @UlricQin in #75
- change dir name by @ghl1024 in #74
New Contributors
- @xiaoziv made their first contribution in #69
- @lsy1990 made their first contribution in #73
- @ghl1024 made their first contribution in #74
Full Changelog: v0.1.12...v0.1.13
What's Changed
- collect kubelet metrics with daemonset by @kongfei605 in #65
- add kafka metrics collector by @ysyneu in #66
Full Changelog: v0.1.11...v0.1.12
What's Changed
- sidecar demo by @kongfei605 in #56
- add traces support by @ysyneu in #57
- update readme by @kongfei605 in #58
- more factories and docs for traces; support config files with .yml suffix by @ysyneu in #59
- clickhouse table add hostname column by @lishijiang in #63
- [fix] name_prefix invalid to prometheus sample by @kongfei605 in #64
New Contributors
Thank you for contributions.
- @ysyneu made their first contribution in #57
- @lishijiang made their first contribution in #63
Full Changelog: v0.1.10...v0.1.11
What's Changed
- build artifacts respectively by @kongfei605 in #51
- optimize building time of github action by @kongfei605 in #52
- fix: ping dashboard metric error fix by @tanxiao1990 in #53
- support env var for prom instances by @kongfei605 in #55
New Contributors
- Thank you for contributions. @tanxiao1990 made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: v0.1.9...v0.1.10
What's Changed
- fix building log endpoints without error judge by @kongfei605 in #49
- add tag: replica_role for redis plugin by @UlricQin in #50
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7
What's Changed
- rearrange oracle input for different arch build by @kongfei605 in #29
- update daemonset yaml by @kongfei605 in #30
- daemonset collect k8s metrics by @kongfei605 in #33
- input: docker should be init failed if the daemon not started by @oiooj in #35
- fix ds serviceaccount mount by @kongfei605 in #37
- fix ds serviceaccount mount by @kongfei605 in #38
- update daemonset template by @kongfei605 in #39
- 采集zookeeper监控数据 by @hctech in #27
- fix: zookeeper插件zk_version指标获取失败 by @hctech in #44
- build arm64v8 artifacts by @kongfei605 in #47
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6
release with kubernetes plugin
docker publish