Releases: flashcatcloud/categraf
Releases · flashcatcloud/categraf
收到用户反馈,oracle插件版本再cenos7上运行会报错,v0.2.23-v0.2.26 的oracle插件在centos7 及以下版本运行都有影响。2023.01.03使用ubuntu20.04 重新编译0.2.27版本 ,非oracle插件的版本没有影响。
What's Changed
- comment out input.prometheus.instances.urls dirty data by @resurgence72 in #299
- fix label lost in mtail plugin by @kongfei605 in #302
- update: view metrics data by instance by @lunuan in #301
- fix: procstat cpu metric justify by @xiaoziv in #304
- fix: procstat uptime calculation by @xiaoziv in #305
- delete flag param for mtail by @kongfei605 in #306
- net_bytes_recv/sent use bitsIEC as default unit by @kongfei605 in #308
- upgrade golang version && use ubuntu 20.04 by @kongfei605 in #311
New Contributors
- @resurgence72 made their first contribution in #299
Full Changelog: v0.2.26...v0.2.27
mysql plugin support global queries
- feat: support haproxy plugin
Full Changelog: v0.2.24...v0.2.25
add more logs for plugin http_response
What's Changed
- feat: support single input reload by @xiaoziv in #273
- update dashboard template for mongodb by @lunuan in #275
- Feat compile prometheus alternative by @xiaoziv in #274
- add ibex agent by @hagic-hhj in #276
- 添加 ibex-agent 模块 by @hagic-hhj in #280
- feat: compile traces alternative by @xiaoziv in #283
- delete ck code by @UlricQin in #284
- opt remove ck by @xiaoziv in #285
- opt: writers code refactor by @xiaoziv in #286
- Repair the windows ibex agent by @hagic-hhj in #290
- opt: add agent define, return nil in NewFunc if agent is disabled by @xiaoziv in #289
- feat:batch write samples by @xiaoziv in #291
- opt: code refactor by @xiaoziv in #295
- Feat generic safe list by @xiaoziv in #296
- fix: writer nil pointer err by @xiaoziv in #297
New Contributors
- @lunuan made their first contribution in #275
- @hagic-hhj made their first contribution in #276
Full Changelog: v0.2.22...v0.2.23
What's Changed
- update tomcat docs by @maojunxyz in #266
- add alert for pod restart by @lsy1990 in #267
- add metrics for scrape_use_seconds and up by @lsy1990 in #265
- mtail: emaitl prog label by @kongfei605 in #268 #269
New Contributors
Thank you for contributions
- @maojunxyz made their first contribution in #266
Full Changelog: v0.2.21...v0.2.22
What's Changed
- add metrics for lock wait by @lsy1990 in #259
- add plugin vsphere by @lsy1990 in #258
- kafka and mongodb add more metrics by @ysyneu in #262
- feat: support netstat ext metrics by @xiaoziv in #261
- Update alerts-linux.json by @xiaoziv in #263
- fix netstat compile bug by @xiaoziv in #264
- fix jolokia plugin
Full Changelog: v0.2.20...v0.2.21
What's Changed
- add post timeserie debug log by @710leo in #254
- change pod parser to jsonparser by @kongfei605 in #256 #257
New Contributors
Thank you for contributions
Full Changelog: v0.2.19...v0.2.20
What's Changed
- opt avoid create struct by @xiaoziv in #245
- supply non standard convert by @lsy1990 in #247
- convert log tags to json and support to collect custom labels and ann… by @kongfei605 in #253
- 增加一个采集交换机接口时的耗时数据ifstat_use_time_sec,方便排查采集耗时情况 by @hel2o in #251
Full Changelog: v0.2.18...v0.2.19
What's Changed
- update by @mamh2021 in #234
- inputs: mtail: mtail.go: fix package name by @mamh2021 in #235
- fix spelling error by @kongfei605 in #236
- add topic for log message by @kongfei605 in #237
- Image tzdata by @kongfei605 in #238 #239
Full Changelog: v0.2.17...v0.2.18