⚠️ Warning: This code example utilizes the Fireblocks RAW signing feature.Raw Signing is an insecure signing method and is not generally recommended.
Bad actors can trick someone into signing a valid transaction message and use it to steal funds.For this reason, Raw Signing is a premium feature that requires an additional purchase and is not available in production workspaces by default. If you're interested in this feature and want to see if your use case is eligible for it, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Fireblocks Sandbox workspaces have Raw Signing enabled by default to allow for testing purposes.
⚠️ Warning: This code example is in Alpha version and should not be used in your production environment.
The Fireblocks Solana Web3 Connection Adapter facilitates interactions between the Fireblocks API and the Solana blockchain, simplifying the process of sending transactions through Fireblocks by handling complex authentication, nonce management, and transaction signing procedures.
The Solana Web3 Connection Adapter utilizes Fireblocks Raw Singing for processing any non native, single instruction transactions.
If the transaction has a single transfer
instruction - the adapter will identify that and will execute the request a regular Fireblocks Solana transaction.
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/fireblocks/solana-web3-provider.git
cd solana-web3-provider
npm install -g typescript ts-node
npm install
Configure the adapter with your Fireblocks API credentials and Solana connection details (See .env.example for reference):
import { FireblocksConnectionAdapter } from './path_to_adapter';
const config = {
apiKey: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY,
apiSecretPath: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY_PATH,
vaultAccountId: 'your_vault_account_id'
const solanaEndpoint = 'https://api.devnet.solana.com'; // Use appropriate Solana RPC endpoint
Creating an Adapter Instance:
const connection = await FireblocksConnectionAdapter.create(solanaEndpoint, config);
Sending a Transaction:
const { Transaction, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction} = require('@solana/web3.js');
const fromMyAccount = new PublicKey(connection.getAccount());
let transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: fromMyAccount,
toPubkey: new PublicKey('destination_public_key'),
lamports: 1000
const txHash = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction);
// OR
const txHash = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, []);
console.log('Transaction sent with hash:', txHash);
See the examples directory in this repository for more detailed examples.
Fireblocks Solana Web3 Connection Adapter introduces a few extended methods for better user experience:
Set a transaction note:
connection.setTxNote(txNote: string)
Set an external transaction identifier:
connection.setExternalTxId(externalTxId: string | null)
Get the address of the current account (the address of the SOL/SOL_TEST wallet in the configured vault account):
Create a nonce account and nonce authority while the fee payer is your configured Fireblocks Vault Account.
NOTE: The nonce authority keypair is created locally in nonceInfo.ts
helpers.createNonceAccountAndAuthority(connection: FireblocksConnectionAdapter)
Solana transactions should be signed and validate within a limited timeframe, read more in the official Solana Documentation.
This limitation can be solved by utilizing the Solana Durable Nonce feature.
Fireblocks Solana Web3 Connection Adapter accepts the nonceAccountAddress
and the nonceAuthorityKeypair
optional parameters in order to serialize and sign a transaction with a durable nonce.
Please check the createProgramCallWithNonce.ts
example in the examples directory for usage example.