Convenient abstractions of some plotting libraries and example usages of finmath lib.
This project provides abstractions for some plotting libraries (JFreeChart, JavaFX, JZY3D) and demo usages for finmath lib. It is provided for convenience to test and explore finmath lib.
Main features:
- Create 2D and 3D graphs (using JFreeChart (2D), JavaFX (2D) and JZY3D (3D)).
- Animated 3D visualization (using JZY3D (which uses OpenGL)).
- Save the graphs as PDF (using iText).
- Save the graphs as SVG (using JFreeSVG)
- Easy to use classes and methods with a default style.
Aiming at quick creation of plots, plots can be specified using a function / operator (e.g. via a lambda expression) and a few parameters specifying the discretization:
Plot plot = new Plot2D(0.0, 300.0, 100, function);
plot.setTitle("Black-Scholes Model European Option Value").setXAxisLabel("strike").setYAxisLabel("value");;
where function is, e.g.,
DoubleUnaryOperator function = (optionStrike) -> {
return AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesOptionValue(initialStockValue, riskFreeRate, volatility, optionMaturity, optionStrike);
(taken from net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo
The Plot2D
supports live updates and can be used as an observer registering to a
(reactive) stream via
plotable -> plot.update(plotable)
where plotable
is a List<Plotables2D>
where a Plotable2D
can be a function (DoubleUnaryOperator
or a series of Point2D