This is a recipe application, a project developed in a group at Trybe. And its main objective is to put into practice learnings from ReactJS, Context Api and react-redux.
- ✨Magic ✨
- Searches by recipes;
- Adds filters to searches (ex: by ingredients, by the name of the recipe, and or by the first letter of the name of the recipe);
- Find recipes with recommended step-by-step video (if available), to make at home easily;
- Find not only food recipes, but also drinks to try and have fun at a party or dinner with friends;
- Filter by drink ingredient on the Beverage Recipe page;
- Under construction for new features...
In Recipes APP the following technologies are used::
- ReactJS - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces!
- Bootstrap - Bootstrap, the world’s most popular front-end.
- CSS - CSS is the language we use to style a Web page.
- TheMealDB API An open, crowd-sourced database of Recipes from around the world.
- ThCockTailDB API Database of drinks.
Recipes app requires NPM v6+ to run.
Make a git clone of the repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
cd project-recipes-app
npm install
npm start
- Delete the .git folder to start with a new history.
- Style application. ✅
- Fix the withdrawal bug, which is directly linked to whether or not you have access to props at the time of redirection;
- Desktop version;
- Improve explore recipes screen;
- Finalize visual requirements and screens for full operation;
- Implement error page for when not found page;
- Loading animation for when there is a wait on api queries;
- Refactor code;
- Add redux as an additional form of state manipulation for the application;
It was very good to do this project as a group, making an end-to-end web application was a challenge and being able to do it as a team made it a lot easier, breaking the big problems into small ones and thus reducing its complexity and making it easy to solve. I thank all the members of the group, Trybe and myself for having managed to progress with always help and a lot of resilience.
🌖 In progress