Kotlin backend demo project using spring boot web for REST API, liquidbase to create a fresh H2 database, spring-jpa to interact with the data and camel for integrations.
mvn clean package
this will package and execute tests
mvn spring-boot:run
this will start the application and initialize the h2 database with the contact table
GET localhost:8080/contacts
to list all
GET localhost:8080/contact/{id}
to list one
POST localhost:8080/contact
to add one
DELETE localhost:8080/contact/{id}
to delete one
adding a new contact:
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json;" -d '{"name":"Filipe","email":"[email protected]","phone":"123456","creationDate":"2020-01-01"}' localhost:8080/contact
deleting a contact:
curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/contact/1
add a file with any name in the folder /tmp/contacts
with the content in this format:
{"name":"First Contact","email":"[email protected]","phone":"123456789", "creationDate":"2020-01-01"},
{"name":"Second Contact","email":"[email protected]","phone":"123456789","creationDate":"2020-01-01"}
processed files will be moved to /tmp/contacts/.done
failed files will be moved to /tmp/contacts/.failed