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Fiberplane Daemon

The Fiberplane Daemon allows executing Providers outside of the Studio. This can be useful in situation where direct access from the Studio to a resource is not available. It does require that the Daemon has access to the resource in question.

Unlike a HTTP proxy, this Daemon won't simply forward requests. Rather, it will invoke a Provider, that will fetch the actual data.


cargo install --locked fpd
fpd pull --all
${EDITOR} "$(fpd config paths data-sources)"


With cargo

Once the crate is published on, you will be able to do

cargo install --locked fpd

Otherwise, with a cloned version of the repository

cargo install --path .


Instructions to run on Kubernetes coming soon


Finding configuration directories

To know where the Fiberplane Daemon is looking for its configuration file (data_sources.yaml) and its providers, you can use

fpd config paths

This is where you should put your providers and data_sources.yaml (the exact value depends on the platform).

Download pre-built providers

To download all first-party (Fiberplane) providers, you can use

fpd pull

Check fpd pull --help to see the supported options if you want to pull from a custom release or branch.

Alternatively, see (Building providers)[#building-providers] below for information on building (custom) providers.


Once you the configuration is ready (including the token from fp or from Studio when adding a daemon), you can run it with

fpd --token $TOKEN

You can always check fpd --help if you need more guidance


The following diagram shows the interaction between the Studio, Daemon (showing up as "Proxy", its legacy name), and their Providers (source):


Local development

To run the daemon against a custom API, you can use the --api-base argument.

Building providers

To build providers from a local checkout of the providers repository you can use the fpd build-providers command. Use fpd build-providers --help to see which