A piece of software designed to look at a instruments lastrun.txt file and determine when a new .nxs file has appeared. Once it has appeared it will send a message to the correct messaging queue.
What is the lastrun.txt file? It's a file created by the controls software solution that is updated when a new file is added to the archive, it allows us in this situation to get around some technical deficiencies in file watching on Linux (Specifically there is an issue with inotify with not reporting changes on network mounted shares, which is the way to do this typically on Linux). I am not sure why this file exists, my understanding is that it should stay existing.
There is a recovery attempt that can be made for the instrument, by checking if we have missed any .nxs files from the instrument by using some saved state in the Database.
The point of the operator is to check for CustomResourceDefinition files that have been applied to the cluster. Examples can be found in the GitOps repository of what these should look like as part of the deployment for the file-watcher-operator. When a CRD is applied, this software should create a Deployment responsible for ensuring a file-watcher exists for the parameters in the CRD file.
An example CRD would be:
apiVersion: fia.com/v1
kind: FileWatcher
name: mari
instrumentFolder: NDXMARI
filePrefix: MAR
Login using docker login
Then build and push the file-watcher container
docker build . -f ./container/file_watcher.D -t ghcr.io/fiaisis/filewatcher
docker push ghcr.io/fiaisis/filewatcher -a
Then build and push the file-watcher-operator container
docker build . -f ./container/file_watcher_operator.D -t ghcr.io/fiaisis/filewatcher-operator
docker push ghcr.io/fiaisis/filewatcher-operator -a
The file-watcher container, when updated needs to be updated in each of the CRDs controlled by the file watcher operator.
The file-watcher-operator container, when updated should be updated like any of the containers in the GitOps repository.