tool used in project
- Laravel 7.
- MySql 8.
- PHP 8.0.* or 7.3.*
- clone project
$ git [email protected]:fh32000/Laravel-Excel-Export-Large-Amount-Of-Data.git
- install packages
$ composer install
- copy .env.example to .env and update your database settings
- Generate your application encryption key using
$ php artisan key:generate
- run optimize
$ php artisan optimize:clear
- run migrations with seeding --this will seed 50000 user row may takes 5-60 seconds
$ php artisan migrate:fresh --force --seed
- link storage
$ php artisan storage:link
- run server
$ php artisan serve
- run queue
$ php artisan queue:work
- open browser and run
- after the click in Export Excel job will run code for (10 -30 min) thin Excel file will generate in storage/app
You Can now download exported file from localhost:8000/exports