A fork of the module https://www.drupal.org/project/solr_best_bets with the following enhancements:
New permissions
- "Administer best bets configuration" grants access to the configuration page.
- "Administer best bets" grants access to the overview page (admin/content/solr_best_bets) with all best bets.
Overview page
An overview page (admin/content/solr_best_bets) has been added after inspiration from https://www.drupal.org/node/2411835. Instead of adding it on the configuration page, has it been added as a local task on admin/content. This is better from an editorial perspective if editors should have access to control the best bets.
Sort page
A sort page (admin/content/solr_best_bets/sort) has been added. This page gives an editor or webmaster the posibility to sort the created best bets. This is important when multiple best bets exists for the same search query. This way can the order of these best bets be controlled in the search result.
Cleaned up configuration
The blank configuration page and tabs has been removed.
Marking best bets (elevated) items in the results
The pseudo field [elevated] has been added the search query (see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/QueryElevationComponent#Marking_Elevated_Items_in_the_Results). The idea is that each result returned from Solr contains the elevated status (TRUE or FALSE). This is being used on solr_best_bets module to add the class "solr-best-bet" to all result list items in search-result.tpl.php if the result is a best bet (elevated). Futhermore is the variable solr_best_bet (TRUE / FALSE) now available in search-result.tpl.php too.
Best bets without the elevate.xml file
From Solr 4.7 and later versions is it possible to skip the elevate.xml file and instead include a list of elevate and exclude ID’s as params in the search query. This is now supported in this module. Enable it in the configuration and you no longer have to fiddle with deployment of the elevate.xml file.