A simple unofficial wechat pay gem, Support 'NATIVE', 'JSAPI', 'APP' payment mode. Only implement unifiedorder interface.
gem 'wxpay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install wxpay
These 4 configurations are for NATIVE and JSAPI pay
Wxpay.app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID',
Wxpay.app_secret = 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'
Wxpay.merchant_id = 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID'
Wxpay.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
These 4 configurations are for APP pay
Wxpay.app_app_id = 'YOUR_APP_APP_ID'
Wxpay.app_app_secret = 'YOUR_APP_APP_SECRET'
Wxpay.app_merchant_id = 'YOUR_APP_MERCHANT_ID'
Wxpay.app_api_key = 'YOUR_APP_API_KEY'
If want use debug mode, set this to true
Wxpay.debug = true
# then you can print debug info to your stderr log
Wxpay.debug_info request.body.inspect
The most important part is the class Wxpay::Order and the instance method :pay!. You just need initialize a Wxpay::Order object, and call :pay!, check these examples for details.
1, NATIVE pay
In your controller
def wxpay
@order = Order.find params[:id]
@wxorder = Wxpay::Order.new body: @order.subject,
total_fee: @order.total_fee,
spbill_create_ip: request_ip,
notify_url: your_notify_url,
out_trade_no: @order.wxpay_trade_no,
trade_type: 'NATIVE',
product_id: @order.product_id # 'product_id' is need for NATIVE pay
resp = @wxorder.pay!
if resp[:status] == "success"
@code_url = resp[:code_url] # qrcode from wechat, you need to create qrcode image with this value
render json: {state: 'success', code_url: @code_url}
@error_message = resp[:err_msg]
render json: {state: 'failure', message: @error_message}
2, JSAPI pay
Notice Compare to NATIVE pay, you need more settings to make jsapi works. You need to set a url of the web page which the JSAPI pay launch, and you need set permission to get base user info, e.g. openid, from wechat server.
in your controller:
def wxpay_jsapi
@order = Order.find params[:id]
# if you do not get user's openid, JUST COMMENT THIS LINE
# wxpay_openid
@wxorder = Wxpay::Order.new body: @order.subject,
total_fee: @order.total_fee,
spbill_create_ip: request_ip,
notify_url: your_notify_url,
out_trade_no: @order.wxpay_trade_no,
trade_type: 'JSAPI',
openid: session[:wxpay_openid]
resp = @wxorder.pay!
if resp[:status] == "success"
result = resp[:result]
@app_id = result[:app_id]
@timestamp = result[:timestamp]
@nonce_str = result[:nonce_str]
@package = result[:package]
@pay_sign = result[:pay_sign]
@success_url = YOUR_SUCCESS_URL # the url to redirect after user paid successful
@error_message = resp[:err_msg]
wxpay_openid is convenient for you to get current_user's openid, you can call method directly within your action, or you can put it into before_action.
in your view:
= render_jsapi_script({
app_id: @app_id,
timestamp: @timestamp,
nonce_str: @nonce_str,
package: @package,
pay_sign: @pay_sign,
sign_type: "MD5",
success_url: @success_url
this helper method will generate some javascript into the view, and launch the wechat jsapi payment
3, APP pay
def wxpay_app
@order = Order.find params[:id]
Wxpay::Order.new body: @order.subject,
total_fee: @order.total_fee,
spbill_create_ip: request_ip,
notify_url: YOUR_NOTIFY_URL,
out_trade_no: @order.wxpay_trade_no,
trade_type: 'APP',
openid: session[:wxpay_openid]
resp = @wxorder.pay!
if resp[:status] == "success"
@result = resp[:result]
@error_message = resp[:err_msg]
return json: @result
4, Notify from Wechat Server
Verify the request from wechat server, and generate response xml. There are two helper methods to do it easily. wxpay_notify_verify, and wxpay_notify_response_xml e.g.
def wxpay_notify
# your logical
render wxpay_notify_response_xml
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/feixionglee/wxpay. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.