Deployment with Docker
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
Create admin user
docker exec -ti docker_wirecloud_1 createsuperuser
MACS Catalog
NGSI Browser NGSI Server:
Service: berlin19 type: Vehicle attrs: location, speed, batteryLevel
Open Layers Map Location: 13.392478, 52.518373 Zoom: 14
NGSI Source NGSI Server: Proxy:
Service: berlin19 type: Vehicle attrs: location, speed, batteryLevel
NGSI Entity 2 POI icon:
NGSI Datamodel 2 POI
Value Filter Property: data.batteryLevel null: no
Gauge Chart Generator Min: 0 Max: 100
Value List Filter Property: data.batteryLevel null: no
Calculate Tendency Pie Chart Generator
QuantumLeap Source ID: urn:Vehicle:moto1 Server:
NGSI Server: Proxy:
Service: berlin19 type: Vehicle attrs: location, speed, batteryLevel
QuantumLeap 2 Echart Chart1 Title: Battery Chart1 Attributes: batteryLevel
Chart2 Title: Speed Chart2 Attribute: speed
Install grunt init
npm install -g grunt-init
git clone ~/.grunt-init/wirecloud-widget
git clone ~/.grunt-init/wirecloud-operator
Create a Widget
grunt-init wirecloud-widget
Create a operator
grunt-init wirecloud-operator
MashupPlatform Reference
Install dependencies
cd chat-widget npm install
Add Gravatar preference:
Read gravatar preference (getInfoFromGravatar) var gravatarURL = MashupPlatform.prefs.get('gravatar');
Subscribe preference changes (init)
MashupPlatform.prefs.registerCallback(function(new_values) { if ('gravatar' in new_values) { getInfoFromGravatar(); } });
Make HTTP Request
var url = gravatarURL + '.json'; MashupPlatform.http.makeRequest(url, { method: 'GET', onSuccess: function(response) { var user_data; user_data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (user_data.error) { onError(); } else { userData = user_data; printUserData(user_data); } }, onError: function() { onError(); } });
Configure Wiring
Send Message on handler (sendButtonHandler)
var msgToSend = {}; msgToSend.msg = document.getElementById("input").value; if (msgToSend.msg !== "" && userData != null) { msgToSend.hash= userData.entry[0].hash; MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent('sendMsg', msgToSend); }
Init wiring callback (init)
MashupPlatform.wiring.registerCallback('receiveMsg', processMsg);
Process incomming messages
function processMsg(receivedMsg) { if (userData != null && receivedMsg.hash !== userData.entry[0].hash) { createMsgDiv(receivedMsg.msg, '' + receivedMsg.hash, true,; } else { // My message, echo, mark as sent createMsgDiv(receivedMsg.msg,'' + receivedMsg.hash, false,; document.getElementById( = 'sent'; } }
Install dependencies
cd chat-operator
npm install
Add NGSI Properties config
Add Wiring
Add NGSI Feature
/* global NGSI */
Create NGSI Connection (susbcribeChat)
ngsi_connection = new NGSI.Connection(MashupPlatform.prefs.get('ngsi_server'), { ngsi_proxy_url: MashupPlatform.prefs.get('ngsi_proxy'), request_headers: { "FIWARE-Service": chatroom } });
Publish messages as NGSI entity
function publishMsg(event_data) { var now = new Date(); ngsi_connection.v2.createEntity({ "id": "Chat-" + now.getTime() + event_data.hash, "type": "ChatMessage", "hash": event_data.hash, "message": event_data.msg }, {keyValues: true}).then( (response) => { // Entity created successfully // response.correlator transaction id associated with the server response }, (error) => { // Error creating the entity // If the error was reported by Orion, error.correlator will be // filled with the associated transaction id } ); }
Subscribe to messages in context broker (subscribeMessage)
ngsi_connection.v2.createSubscription({ "description": "One subscription to rule them all", "subject": { "entities": [ { "idPattern": ".*", "type": "ChatMessage" } ] }, "notification": { callback: function (notification, headers, error) { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { let msg = { hash:[i].hash.value, msg:[i].message.value } MashupPlatform.wiring.pushEvent('toBeReceived', msg); }
} } }).then( (response) => { // Subscription created successfully // response.correlator transaction id associated with the server response }, (error) => { // Error creating the subscription // If the error was reported by Orion, error.correlator will be // filled with the associated transaction id } );