When a survivor die, on his body appear a grave.
Require | 必要安裝
None -
ConVar | 指令
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_graves.cfg
// Enable or disable this plugin. l4d_graves_enable "1" // 1=Disables the solidity of the grave, 0=Enable solidity l4d_graves_not_solid "1" // How long will it take for the grave to spawn. l4d_graves_delay "5.0" // Turn glow On or Off. l4d_graves_glow "1" // L4D2 Only, RGB Color - Change the render color of the glow. Values between 0-255. [-1 -1 -1: Random] l4d_graves_glow_color "255 255 255" // L4D2 Only, Change the glow range. l4d_graves_glow_range "4000" // Number of points of damage to take before breaking. (In L4D2, 0 means don't break) l4d_graves_health "1500"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_graves.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- l4d_death_soul: Soul of the dead survivor flies away to the afterlife
- l4d_death_soul: Soul of the dead survivor flies away to the afterlife
Changelog | 版本日誌
//Dartz8901 @ 2018 //HarryPotter @ 2022-2023
v1.0h (2023-7-27)
- AlliedModders Post
- Remake Code
- Random Color
- Glow Range
- Safely remvoe grave when player changes team or leaves the game
- 死亡之後,在屍體上造一個墓碑
- 電擊器救活之後,墓碑消失
- 墓碑不會擋路
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_graves.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 l4d_graves_enable "1" // 1=墓碑穿透, 0=墓碑不能穿透,必須打掉 l4d_graves_not_solid "1" // 死亡五秒後才獲出現墓碑 l4d_graves_delay "5.0" // 為1時,墓碑會發光 l4d_graves_glow "1" // (L4D2) 墓碑的發光顏色,填入RGB三色 (三個數值介於0~255,需要空格) l4d_graves_glow_color "255 255 255" // (L4D2) 墓碑的發光範圍 l4d_graves_glow_range "4000" // 如果墓碑不能穿透,墓碑的血量是多少? 打掉才會破掉 // L4D2,0=永遠不會破掉 l4d_graves_health "1500"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_graves.cfg