Allows players to drop the weapon they are holding
Video | 影片展示
None -
Image | 圖示
None -
How does it work?
- Type
to drop your guns or items - Apply to pistol, melee, M60...
- Type
Require | 必要安裝
None -
ConVar | 指令
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_drop.cfg
// Prevent players from dropping their secondaries? (Fixes bugs that can come with incapped weapons or A-Posing.) sm_drop_block_secondary "0" // Prevent players from dropping objects in between actions? (Fixes throwable cloning.) 1 = All weapons. 2 = Only throwables. sm_drop_block_mid_action "1" // Prevent players from dropping the M60? (Allows for better compatibility with certain plugins.) sm_drop_block_m60 "0" // (L4D2) Drop - sound file (relative to to sound/, empty=disable) sm_drop_soundfile "ui/gift_pickup.wav" // (L4D1) Drop - sound file (relative to to sound/, empty=disable) sm_drop_soundfile "items/itempickup.wav"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_drop.cfg
Command | 命令
- Drop weapon
sm_drop sm_g
- Drop weapon
API | 串接
library name: l4d_drop
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- drop_secondary: Survivor players will drop their secondary weapon (including melee) when they die
- drop_secondary: Survivor players will drop their secondary weapon (including melee) when they die
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.12 (2023-1-7)
- Add Drop Sound
- Add Cvars
v1.11 (2023-10-28)
- Optimize code and improve performance
- Add inc file
v1.10 (2022-12-1)
- Add OnWeaponDrop API, thanks to NoroHime. Called whenever weapon prepared to drop by this plugin.
- Can't drop weapons when survivor is hanging from ledge, incapacitated, or pinned by infected attacker
- Drop single pistol instead of dual pistols
- 輸入
掉落手上的武器 - 可掉雙手槍
- 輸入
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_drop.cfg
// 為1時,禁止丟棄副武器 (避免玩家手上空空如也) sm_drop_block_secondary "0" // 為1時,所有武器在裝彈、切換、開槍、投擲....時禁止丟棄 // 為2時,只有投擲物品禁止丟棄 sm_drop_block_mid_action "1" // 為1時,禁止丟棄M60 (搭配其他有使用M60相關的插件) sm_drop_block_m60 "0" // (L4D2) 丟棄武器的音效檔案 (路徑相對於 sound 資料夾, 空=無音效) sm_drop_soundfile "ui/gift_pickup.wav" // (L4D1) 丟棄武器的音效檔案 (路徑相對於 sound 資料夾, 空=無音效) sm_drop_soundfile "items/itempickup.wav"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d_drop.cfg
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- 丟棄手中的武器
sm_drop sm_g
- 丟棄手中的武器