This plugin provides the possibility of saving and restore graylog environment configurations like registered user, dashboard, input etc.etc. To do this task the plugin uses directly mongorestore and mongodump command. At the moment is supported only unix-like os and dump can be stored only on filesystem and not on other Storage Service like s3 etc.etc
Any feedback are wellcome !
Required Graylog version: 2.1 and later
Download the plugin
and place the .jar
file in your Graylog plugin directory. The plugin directory
is the plugins/
folder relative from your graylog-server
directory by default
and can be configured in your graylog.conf
Restart graylog-server
and you are done.
"Official" release is cut around the last Graylog build of plugins release in this case 2.1.2, nothing prevents to compile it independently using for example rc or beta version. In the same way binary package install jar under folder '/usr/share/graylog-server/plugin'
To adapt it to yours environment just change 'graylog.version' and 'graylog.plugin-dir' properties in pom file the is created using a third library and not '-gzip' flag introduced with 3.2 Mongo's version
You can configure backup plugin Under System -> Configurations.
Using update configuration button
is possible adapt configuration to your environment. If not specified back data is saved under graylog data directory.
Backup file follow the this naming convention
For restore data is necessary to put backup file under restore folder. At the moment there is a limitation that under restore folder there is only zip without any directory.
- Under System-configuration press
Restore data button
. If something fails the system show the corresponding error
Otherwise if process ends successfully
Simple configuration example
- threshold PT1M (every minute)
- Enable backup Process
- Select directory where you want to save data for example /tmp/data/bck and /tmp/data/restore
- find where MongoDump is installed. On ubuntu, for example, by default is under /usr/bin
To restore your data please put the zip in this restore folder in this case /tmp/data/restore then from GUI click restore data