In order to support the updated gateway endpoint configuration for the retirement of TLS 1.0 the following changes may be required for your application:
- Update to .NET 4.5 or above
Currently there is support for:
- Purchase with Card Details
- Purchase with Token
- Tokenize Card
- Refund Purchase
- Subscriptions
- Customers
- System.Json
- Visual Studio test tools for unit testing
- Add a reference to the library.
- Configure the Gateway:
Gateway.Username = "TEST";
Gateway.Token = "TEST";
Gateway.SandboxMode = true;
Gateway.TestMode = true;
- Purchase, Refund, Tokenize etc
// Create a purchase
var response = Purchase.Create(120, "M Smith", "5123456789012346", DateTime(2012, 05, 31), "123", invoice.record_number, Request.UserHostAddress);
if (response.Successful && response.Result.Successful)
// Your logic here
// Do something with the errors
Contributors, code reviewers and more are welcome - as I mentioned, this isn't my best code, but it is functional and passes the basic tests. Please feel free to contact me for more info at [email protected]
Eventually once the library is of better quality this will be added to NuGet.