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fatalfeel edited this page Dec 5, 2014 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the proton_sdk_source wiki! Cross Platform 3D engine with OpenGL OGLES1 OGLES2 on Proton

  1. Proton 3d engine impelement irrlicht 1.9.0 with OGLES1.0, OGLES2.0 and OpenGL You can build on Win32, MacOS, Android, Ios

  2. First run On Win32 execute--→ xxxxxx/media/update_media.bat

On MacOs --→ chmod 777 xxxxxx/media/


  1. If debug c++ in Android, please set android:installLocation="internalOnly" of AndroidManifest.xml

  2. Switch OGLES1 → OGLES2

(a.) find App.cpp irr::video::E_DRIVER_TYPE AppGetOGLESType() return irr::video::EDT_OGLES1; → return irr::video::EDT_OGLES2;

(b.) find public AppGLSurfaceView(Context context, SharedActivity _app) //setEGLContextClientVersion(2); → setEGLContextClientVersion(2);

  1. Quake, QuakeShader samples have a small problem. when android resume process and reload texture, can not find image correctly. because "maps/20kdm2.bsp.lightmap.0~10" can not find in resource path, they are packed into 20kdm2.bsp.

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