This repository consists of solutions to various LeetCode problems, providing additional practice and insights into problem-solving techniques. This repository is designed to help you prepare for technical interviews by providing a collection of code examples and basic problems in C and C++. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, these resources will strengthen your programming skills and understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.
- In this section, you'll find a series of C++ code examples that demonstrate various Object-Oriented Programming concepts. The examples cover classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. These concepts are essential for understanding the foundations of C++ programming.
- This section includes a set of fundamental C problems that are commonly asked during technical interviews. Solving these problems will help you sharpen your C programming skills and reinforce your understanding of algorithms and data structures.
- This section consists of basic code examples and problem-solving solutions for two other popular programming languages: Python and Java.
By exploring the examples and solving the problems in this repository, you'll gain the necessary confidence and expertise to excel in technical interviews and ace coding challenges. Remember, practice is key to success, so dive in, enjoy the learning process, and happy coding!