Significant changes:
Now using Kotlin 1.4
In particular, fun interface
is now supported.
Do not break due to annotations parameters
@Dimenstion(unit = DP) @Px fun g(): Int = 5
instead of
@Dimenstion(unit = DP)
fun g(): Int = 5
Break after each class/fun param, if they don't all fit in one line
fun foo12(
a: Int,
var b: Double,
val c: String
) {
instead of
fun foo12(
a: Int, var b: Double, val c: String
) {
Don't break before lambda when initializing property
val lambda = {
instead of
val lambda =
Constructor is now indented on level of class
class Foo
a: Int,
b: Int
instead of
class Foo
a: Int,
b: Int
Other changes
- Fix: Handle ; between property and accessor (e.g.,
var x = false; private set
) - Fix: Don't break after variable declaration in when expression (e.g.,
when (val y = x.improved()) { … }
) - Fix: Allow line breaks after
- FIx: Fix comment indent inside of lambdas
- Fix: Make secondary constructors more like function declarations
- Fix: Don't crash on trailing commas in lambdas parameters
Get it on Maven Central: https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.facebook/ktfmt/0.19/jar