First, create an Anvil account. I recommend the Personal Plan which is approx 15 USD per month.
Complete this free course:
Fork this repository to your own GitHub user account. Click on the top right of this repo to fork it to your own account.
Follow this tutorial to clone the forked repository into your Anvil account:
Follow the steps below to get started as a collaborator.
Setting up SSH is essential for secure communication. Below are the links to set up SSH for different operating systems.
After creating your GitHub account, set up SSH with your GitHub account by following the instructions in this GitHub guide.
Amoni is a tool that helps you manage your Anvil apps. To install and initialize Amoni, open your command line interface and run the following commands:
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add -l
amoni init myrepo
cd myrepo
amoni app add <github clone url> <name>
Replace with the clone URL of your forked GitHub repository and with the name you want to give to your app.