Docker containers for local development on multiple projects runinng on PHP and MySQL (MariaDB).
- install Docker
- make sure nothing is running on port 80 on your machine
- create network:
docker network create auto
- clone this repository. Next commands are executed in clonned folder:
- optional: if you already have projects in some folder, copy .env.example file as .env and set PROJECTS_PATH
- build containers:
make build_docker
- launch docker:
make up
- check http://localhost in your browser (you should see It works!)
- continue with creating first project (see below)
- create project with this command (replace "myproject"):
make project NAME="myproject"
- add line to your hosts file: myproject.devstack
- test in browser: http://myproject.devstack
- place your code in new folder projects/myproject
You can use your favourite DB app (see below).
TODO: create make command
use server: devstack-db:3306
You can connect to database in Docker with your favourite DB app.
Use server address: localhost and port: 5306
root password is: devstack
- run
make dump-db
- you will find your backup in backup/ directory
- launch docker in background:
make up
- stop docker containers:
make down
- build containers:
make build_docker
- delete all containers:
make remove_docker
- stop docker containers
make down
- build containers:
make build_docker
- launch docker in background:
make up
Currently supported PHP versions:
7.4.15 | devstack-php74 |
7.3.27 | devstack-php73 |
7.1.4 | devstack-php71 |
8.0.13 | devstack-php80 |
8.1.0 | devstack-php81 |
- Go to vhost for your project and change this line with:
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME:9000/var/www/php-test/$1
Instead of DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME use name from table above - restart apache:
make apache_restart