Easy wrapper for lazy caching results of an action for Go. Safe for multi-threaded/multi-instance use.
Supports in memory cache, go-redis, and redigo.
Simply run the following command to install:
go get github.com/ezraisw/wracha
To use, prepare a wracha.ActorOptions
with your flavor of adapter
, codec
, and logger
package main
import (
func main() {
opts := wracha.ActorOptions(
// ...
Create an wracha.Actor
through wracha.NewActor
with the options.
The name given will be used as a prefix for cache key.
actor := wracha.NewActor[MyStruct]("example", opts)
// Set options...
actor.SetTTL(time.Duration(30) * time.Minute).
An action is defined as
func[T any](context.Context) (ActionResult[T], error)
The action must return a wracha.ActionResult[T any]
determines whether to cache the given value.TTL
overrides the set TTL value.Value
is the value to return and possibly cache. Must be serializable.
If the action returns an error, the actor will not attempt to cache.
To perform an action, call wracha.Actor[T any].Do
The first parameter is the key of the given action. The actor will only attempt to retrieve previous values from cache of the same key. If such value is found in cache, the action will not be performed again.
wracha.Actor[T any].Do
will return the value from wracha.ActionResult[T any]
and error. The returned error can either be from the action or from the caching process.
// Obtain key from either HTTP request or somewhere else...
id := "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"
user, err := actor.Do(ctx, wracha.KeyableStr(id), func[model.User](ctx context.Context) (wracha.ActionResult[model.User], error) {
user, err := userRepository.FindByID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return wracha.ActionResult[model.User]{}, err
// Some other actions...
return wracha.ActionResult[model.User]{
Cache: true,
Value: user,
}, nil
// Return value from action, write to response, etc...
If a dependency/cache entry is stale, it can be invalidated and deleted off from cache using wracha.Actor[T any].Invalidate
id := "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"
err := actor.Invalidate(ctx, wracha.KeyableStr(id))
if err != nil {
// ...
By default, errors thrown before calling the action (value retrieval or locking) immediately executes the action without an attempt to store the value in cache. All errors thrown after calling the action (value storage) is also ignored.
You can override this behaviour by setting either wracha.Actor[T any].SetPreActionErrorHandler
or wracha.Actor[T any].SetPostActionErrorHandler
If multiple dependencies are required, you can wrap your dependencies with wracha.KeyableMap
. The map will be converted to a hashed SHA1 representation as key for the cache.
deps := wracha.KeyableMap{
"roleId": "123456abc",
"naming": "roger*",
res, err := actor.Do(ctx, deps, /* ... */)
Adapters are used for storing cache data. Out of the box, three adapters are provided:
- memory (uses ccache)
- goredis
- redigo
You can create your own adapter by satisfying the following interface:
type Adapter interface {
Exists(ctx context.Context, key string) (bool, error)
Get(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]byte, error)
Set(ctx context.Context, key string, ttl time.Duration, data []byte) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
Lock(ctx context.Context, key string) error
Unlock(ctx context.Context, key string) error
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
// ...
opts := wracha.ActorOptions{
// ...
pool := &redis.Pool{
// ...
opts := wracha.ActorOptions{
// ...
Codecs are used for serializing the value for storage in cache. Currently only JSON and msgpack are provided.
Keep in mind these serializations are not perfect, especially for time.Time