A simple Nagios Plugin which starts a Selenium Script. It may help to monitor web applications which do not provide an API.
This repositroy is created for the blogpost: Nagios Monitoring von Webanwendungen mit Selenium
The plugin relies on Selenium Grid and SeInterpreter. It expects a Selenium Grid hub which can run on a remote host or on localhost. Furthermore, it requires Java RE installed and the JAR file of SeInterpreter available on localhost.
The installation and configuration of the plugin is very simple.
- Download, unzip and copy the script
to your Nagios plugin location (see USER2 in the Nagios documentation) - Adapt the path to both, JRE and SeInterpreter according to your needs, see section Default options in the script
The Plugin can be used with Nagios/Thruk/Icinga.
./check_website_by_selenium.sh -s demo.json
My commands.cfg looks like this:
define command {
command_name check_website_by_selenium
command_line $USER2$/check_website_by_selenium.sh -s $ARG1$ -h $ARG2$ -b $ARG3$ -v $ARG4$
And my services.cfg looks like this:
define service {
service_description check_website_by_selenium_demo
host_name demo_host
use check_mk_active
check_command check_website_by_selenium!/tmp/demo.json