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Adding N-2 test
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michel2323 committed Feb 3, 2023
1 parent 704dad3 commit 72418cd
Showing 2 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions test/n-2.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
using Test
using ProxAL
using DelimitedFiles, Printf
using LinearAlgebra, JuMP
using CatViews
using CUDA
using AMDGPU
using MPI
using LazyArtifacts

use_MPI = !isempty(ARGS) && (parse(Bool, ARGS[1]) == true)
use_MPI && MPI.Init()
const DATA_DIR = joinpath(artifact"ExaData", "ExaData")
# N-2 case9 files
case = "case9_2"
T = 2
ramp_scale = 0.5
load_scale = 1.0
rtol = 1e-4

# Load case
case_file = joinpath(DATA_DIR, "mp_demand", "$(case).m")
load_file = joinpath(DATA_DIR, "mp_demand", "$(case)")

# Model/formulation settings
modelinfo = ModelInfo()
modelinfo.num_time_periods = T
modelinfo.load_scale = load_scale
modelinfo.ramp_scale = ramp_scale
modelinfo.allow_obj_gencost = true
modelinfo.allow_constr_infeas = false
modelinfo.weight_freq_ctrl = 0.1
modelinfo.time_link_constr_type = :penalty
modelinfo.obj_scale = 1e-4

# Algorithm settings
algparams = AlgParams()
algparams.verbose = 0

solver_list = ["ExaAdmmCPU"]

@testset "Test ProxAL on $(case)" begin
modelinfo.case_name = case

using Ipopt
backend = JuMPBackend()
algparams.optimizer =
"print_level" => Int64(algparams.verbose > 0)*5)
K = 1
modelinfo.num_ctgs = K
# ctgs_link = :preventive_penalty

algparams.iterlim = 10000
algparams.decompCtgs = true
modelinfo.ctgs_link_constr_type = :corrective_penalty
algparams.mode = :coldstart
algparams.tol = 1e-3
algparams.verbose = 0
nlp = ProxALEvaluator(case_file, load_file, modelinfo, algparams, backend, use_MPI ? MPI.COMM_WORLD : nothing)
runinfo = ProxAL.optimize!(nlp)
OPTIMAL_OBJVALUE = runinfo.objvalue[end]
OPTIMAL_PG = runinfo.x.Pg[:,1,:][:]
OPTIMAL_WT = runinfo.x.ωt[:]
@test runinfo.maxviol_c[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_t[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_c_actual[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_t_actual[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_d[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.iter <= algparams.iterlim
algparams.decompCtgs = false
algparams.verbose = 0
nlp = ProxALEvaluator(case_file, load_file, modelinfo, algparams, backend, use_MPI ? MPI.COMM_WORLD : nothing)
runinfo = ProxAL.optimize!(nlp)
@test_broken isapprox(runinfo.objvalue[end], OPTIMAL_OBJVALUE, rtol = 1e-2)
@test_broken isapprox(runinfo.x.Pg[:,1,:][:], OPTIMAL_PG, rtol = 1e-1)
@test isapprox(runinfo.maxviol_c[end], 0.0)
@test isapprox(runinfo.maxviol_c_actual[end], 0.0)
@test runinfo.maxviol_c_actual[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_t_actual[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_d[end] <= algparams.tol

backend = AdmmBackend()
algparams.decompCtgs = true
algparams.mode = :coldstart
algparams.iterlim = 10000
algparams.verbose = 0
algparams.init_opf = false
algparams.θ_c = 1.0
algparams.ρ_c = 1.0
# Reduce tolerance for N-2
algparams.tol = 1e-3
nlp = ProxALEvaluator(case_file, load_file, modelinfo, algparams, backend, use_MPI ? MPI.COMM_WORLD : nothing)
runinfo = ProxAL.optimize!(nlp)
@test isapprox(runinfo.objvalue[end], OPTIMAL_OBJVALUE, rtol = 1e-2)
@test isapprox(runinfo.x.Pg[:,1,:][:], OPTIMAL_PG, rtol = 1e-1)
@test runinfo.maxviol_c[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_t[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_c_actual[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_t_actual[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.maxviol_d[end] <= algparams.tol
@test runinfo.iter <= algparams.iterlim

use_MPI && MPI.Finalize()
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ testdir = @__DIR__
@testset "Sequential tests" begin
# Testing N-2
@testset "Sequential tests" begin

# Testing using 2 processes

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