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Add BLOCK-GMRES in ExaPF.jl #281

merged 4 commits into from
Oct 31, 2023
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amontoison committed Oct 28, 2023
commit 70eebe3e0e5a0e1a6a475f922b6831c9f0817d80
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/LinearSolvers/LinearSolvers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import Metis

import ..ExaPF: xnorm

const KA = KernelAbstractions
import Base.size, Base.sizeof, Base.format_bytes
import Krylov: KrylovStats, allocate_if, ksizeof, FloatOrComplex, ktimer, matrix_to_vector, kdisplay

const KA = KernelAbstractions

export bicgstab, list_solvers
export DirectSolver, BICGSTAB, EigenBICGSTAB, KrylovBICGSTAB
@@ -34,6 +36,9 @@ include("preconditioners.jl")


abstract type AbstractLinearSolver end
abstract type AbstractIterativeLinearSolver <: AbstractLinearSolver end

348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions src/LinearSolvers/block_gmres.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
# An implementation of block-GMRES for the solution of the square linear system AX = B.
# Alexis Montoison, <>
# Chicago, October 2023.

export block_gmres, block_gmres!

(X, stats) = block_gmres(A, B; X0::AbstractMatrix{FC}; memory::Int=20, M=I, N=I,
ldiv::Bool=false, restart::Bool=false, reorthogonalization::Bool=false,
atol::T = √eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false)

`T` is an `AbstractFloat` such as `Float32`, `Float64` or `BigFloat`.
`FC` is `T` or `Complex{T}`.

(X, stats) = block_gmres(A, B, X0::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

GMRES can be warm-started from an initial guess `X0` where `kwargs` are the same keyword arguments as above.

Solve the linear system AX = B of size n with p right-hand sides using block-GMRES.

#### Input arguments

* `A`: a linear operator that models a matrix of dimension n;
* `B`: a matrix of size n × p.

#### Optional argument

* `X0`: a matrix of size n × p that represents an initial guess of the solution X.

#### Keyword arguments

* `memory`: if `restart = true`, the restarted version block-GMRES(k) is used with `k = memory`. If `restart = false`, the parameter `memory` should be used as a hint of the number of iterations to limit dynamic memory allocations. Additional storage will be allocated if the number of iterations exceeds `memory`;
* `M`: linear operator that models a nonsingular matrix of size `n` used for left preconditioning;
* `N`: linear operator that models a nonsingular matrix of size `n` used for right preconditioning;
* `ldiv`: define whether the preconditioners use `ldiv!` or `mul!`;
* `restart`: restart the method after `memory` iterations;
* `reorthogonalization`: reorthogonalize the new matrices of the block-Krylov basis against all previous matrix;
* `atol`: absolute stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
* `rtol`: relative stopping tolerance based on the residual norm;
* `itmax`: the maximum number of iterations. If `itmax=0`, the default number of iterations is set to `2 * div(n,p)`;
* `timemax`: the time limit in seconds;
* `verbose`: additional details can be displayed if verbose mode is enabled (verbose > 0). Information will be displayed every `verbose` iterations;
* `history`: collect additional statistics on the run such as residual norms.

#### Output arguments

* `x`: a dense matrix of size n × p;
* `stats`: statistics collected on the run in a BlockGmresStats.
function block_gmres end

solver = bilqr!(solver::BilqrSolver, A, b, c; kwargs...)
solver = bilqr!(solver::BilqrSolver, A, b, c, x0, y0; kwargs...)

where `kwargs` are keyword arguments of [`bilqr`](@ref).

See [`BilqrSolver`](@ref) for more details about the `solver`.
function block_gmres! end

function block_gmres(A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}, X0::AbstractMatrix{FC}; memory::Int=20, M=I, N=I,
ldiv::Bool=false, restart::Bool=false, reorthogonalization::Bool=false,
atol::T = √eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false) where {T <: AbstractFloat, FC <: FloatOrComplex{T}}

start_time = time_ns()
solver = BlockGmresSolver(A, B; memory)
warm_start!(solver, X0)
elapsed_time = ktimer(start_time)
timemax -= elapsed_time
block_gmres!(solver, A, B; M, N, ldiv, restart, reorthogonalization, atol, rtol, itmax, timemax, verbose, history)
solver.stats.timer += elapsed_time
return solver.X, solver.stats

function block_gmres(A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}; memory::Int=20, M=I, N=I,
ldiv::Bool=false, restart::Bool=false, reorthogonalization::Bool=false,
atol::T = √eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false) where {T <: AbstractFloat, FC <: FloatOrComplex{T}}

start_time = time_ns()
solver = BlockGmresSolver(A, B; memory)
elapsed_time = ktimer(start_time)
timemax -= elapsed_time
block_gmres!(solver, A, B; M, N, ldiv, restart, reorthogonalization, atol, rtol, itmax, timemax, verbose, history)
solver.stats.timer += elapsed_time
return solver.X, solver.stats

function block_gmres!(solver :: BlockGmresSolver{T,FC,SV,SM}, A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}, X0::AbstractMatrix{FC}; M=I, N=I,
ldiv::Bool=false, restart::Bool=false, reorthogonalization::Bool=false,
atol::T = √eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false) where {T <: AbstractFloat, FC <: FloatOrComplex{T}, SV <: AbstractVector{FC}, SM <: AbstractMatrix{FC}}

start_time = time_ns()
warm_start!(solver, X0)
elapsed_time = ktimer(start_time)
timemax -= elapsed_time
block_gmres!(solver, A, B; M, N, ldiv, restart, reorthogonalization, atol, rtol, itmax, timemax, verbose, history)
solver.stats.timer += elapsed_time
return solver

function block_gmres!(solver :: BlockGmresSolver{T,FC,SV,SM}, A, B::AbstractMatrix{FC}; M=I, N=I,
ldiv::Bool=false, restart::Bool=false, reorthogonalization::Bool=false,
atol::T = √eps(T), rtol::T=√eps(T), itmax::Int=0,
timemax::Float64=Inf, verbose::Int=0, history::Bool=false) where {T <: AbstractFloat, FC <: FloatOrComplex{T}, SV <: AbstractVector{FC}, SM <: AbstractMatrix{FC}}

# Timer
start_time = time_ns()
timemax_ns = 1e9 * timemax

n, m = size(A)
s, p = size(B)
m == n || error("System must be square")
n == s || error("Inconsistent problem size")
(verbose > 0) && @printf("BLOCK-GMRES: system of size %d with %d right-hand sides\n", n, p)

# Check M = Iₙ and N = Iₙ
MisI = (M === I)
NisI = (N === I)

# Check type consistency
eltype(A) == FC || @warn "eltype(A) ≠ $FC. This could lead to errors or additional allocations in operator-matrix products."
typeof(B) <: SM || error("typeof(B) is not a subtype of $SM")

# Set up workspace.
allocate_if(!MisI , solver, :Q , SM, n, p)
allocate_if(!NisI , solver, :P , SM, n, p)
allocate_if(restart, solver, :ΔX, SM, n, p)
ΔX, X, W, V, Z = solver.ΔX, solver.X, solver.W, solver.V, solver.Z
C, D, R, H, τ, stats = solver.C, solver.D, solver.R, solver.H, solver.τ, solver.stats
warm_start = solver.warm_start
RNorms = stats.residuals
Q = MisI ? W : solver.Q
R₀ = MisI ? W : solver.Q
Xr = restart ? ΔX : X

# Define the blocks D1 and D2
D1 = view(D, 1:p, :)
D2 = view(D, p+1:2p, :)

# Coefficients for mul!
α = -one(FC)
β = one(FC)
γ = one(FC)

# Initial solution X₀.
fill!(X, zero(FC))

# Initial residual R₀.
if warm_start
mul!(W, A, ΔX)
W .= B .- W
restart && (X .+= ΔX)
copyto!(W, B)
MisI || mulorldiv!(R₀, M, W, ldiv) # R₀ = M(B - AX₀)
RNorm = norm(R₀) # ‖R₀‖_F

history && push!(RNorms, RNorm)
ε = atol + rtol * RNorm

mem = length(V) # Memory
npass = 0 # Number of pass

iter = 0 # Cumulative number of iterations
inner_iter = 0 # Number of iterations in a pass

itmax == 0 && (itmax = 2*div(n,p))
inner_itmax = itmax

(verbose > 0) && @printf("%5s %5s %7s %5s\n", "pass", "k", "‖Rₖ‖", "timer")
kdisplay(iter, verbose) && @printf("%5d %5d %7.1e %.2fs\n", npass, iter, RNorm, ktimer(start_time))

# Stopping criterion
solved = RNorm ≤ ε
tired = iter ≥ itmax
inner_tired = inner_iter ≥ inner_itmax
status = "unknown"
overtimed = false

while !(solved || tired || overtimed)

# Initialize workspace.
nr = 0 # Number of blocks Ψᵢⱼ stored in Rₖ.
for i = 1 : mem
fill!(V[i], zero(FC)) # Orthogonal basis of Kₖ(MAN, MR₀).
for Ψ in R
fill!(Ψ, zero(FC)) # Upper triangular matrix Rₖ.
for block in Z
fill!(block, zero(FC)) # Right-hand of the least squares problem min ‖Hₖ₊₁.ₖYₖ - ΓE₁‖₂.

if restart
fill!(Xr, zero(FC)) # Xr === ΔX when restart is set to true
if npass ≥ 1
mul!(W, A, X)
W .= B .- W
MisI || mulorldiv!(R₀, M, W, ldiv)

# Initial Γ and V₁
copyto!(V[1], R₀)
householder!(V[1], Z[1], τ[1])

npass = npass + 1
inner_iter = 0
inner_tired = false

while !(solved || inner_tired || overtimed)

# Update iteration index
inner_iter = inner_iter + 1

# Update workspace if more storage is required and restart is set to false
if !restart && (inner_iter > mem)
for i = 1 : inner_iter
push!(R, SM(undef, p, p))
push!(H, SM(undef, 2p, p))
push!(τ, SV(undef, p))

# Continue the block-Arnoldi process.
P = NisI ? V[inner_iter] : solver.P
NisI || mulorldiv!(P, N, V[inner_iter], ldiv) # P ← NVₖ
mul!(W, A, P) # W ← ANVₖ
MisI || mulorldiv!(Q, M, W, ldiv) # Q ← MANVₖ
for i = 1 : inner_iter
mul!(R[nr+i], V[i]', Q) # Ψᵢₖ = Vᵢᴴ * Q
mul!(Q, V[i], R[nr+i], α, β) # Q = Q - Vᵢ * Ψᵢₖ

# Reorthogonalization of the block-Krylov basis.
if reorthogonalization
for i = 1 : inner_iter
mul!(Ψtmp, V[i]', Q) # Ψtmp = Vᵢᴴ * Q
mul!(Q, V[i], Ψtmp, α, β) # Q = Q - Vᵢ * Ψtmp
R[nr+i] .+= Ψtmp

# Vₖ₊₁ and Ψₖ₊₁.ₖ are stored in Q and C.
householder!(Q, C, τ[inner_iter])

# Update the QR factorization of Hₖ₊₁.ₖ.
# Apply previous Householder reflections Ωᵢ.
for i = 1 : inner_iter-1
D1 .= R[nr+i]
D2 .= R[nr+i+1]
LAPACK.ormqr!('L', 'T', H[i], τ[i], D)
R[nr+i] .= D1
R[nr+i+1] .= D2

# Compute and apply current Householder reflection Ωₖ.
H[inner_iter][1:p,:] .= R[nr+inner_iter]
H[inner_iter][p+1:2p,:] .= C
householder!(H[inner_iter], R[nr+inner_iter], τ[inner_iter], compact=true)

# Update Zₖ = (Qₖ)ᴴΓE₁ = (Λ₁, ..., Λₖ, Λbarₖ₊₁)
D1 .= Z[inner_iter]
D2 .= zero(FC)
LAPACK.ormqr!('L', 'T', H[inner_iter], τ[inner_iter], D)
Z[inner_iter] .= D1

# Update residual norm estimate.
# ‖ M(B - AXₖ) ‖_F = ‖Λbarₖ₊₁‖_F
C .= D2
RNorm = norm(C)
history && push!(RNorms, RNorm)

# Update the number of coefficients in Rₖ
nr = nr + inner_iter

# Update stopping criterion.
solved = RNorm ≤ ε
inner_tired = restart ? inner_iter ≥ min(mem, inner_itmax) : inner_iter ≥ inner_itmax
timer = time_ns() - start_time
overtimed = timer > timemax_ns
kdisplay(iter+inner_iter, verbose) && @printf("%5d %5d %7.1e %.2fs\n", npass, iter+inner_iter, RNorm, ktimer(start_time))

# Compute Vₖ₊₁.
if !(solved || inner_tired || overtimed)
if !restart && (inner_iter ≥ mem)
push!(V, SM(undef, n, p))
push!(Z, SM(undef, p, p))
copyto!(V[inner_iter+1], Q)
Z[inner_iter+1] .= D2

# Compute Yₖ by solving RₖYₖ = Zₖ with a backward substitution by block.
Y = Z # Yᵢ = Zᵢ
for i = inner_iter : -1 : 1
pos = nr + i - inner_iter # position of Ψᵢ.ₖ
for j = inner_iter : -1 : i+1
mul!(Y[i], R[pos], Y[j], α, β) # Yᵢ ← Yᵢ - ΨᵢⱼYⱼ
pos = pos - j + 1 # position of Ψᵢ.ⱼ₋₁
ldiv!(UpperTriangular(R[pos]), Y[i]) # Yᵢ ← Yᵢ \ Ψᵢᵢ

# Form Xₖ = NVₖYₖ
for i = 1 : inner_iter
mul!(Xr, V[i], Y[i], γ, β)
if !NisI
copyto!(solver.P, Xr)
mulorldiv!(Xr, N, solver.P, ldiv)
restart && (X .+= Xr)

# Update inner_itmax, iter, tired and overtimed variables.
inner_itmax = inner_itmax - inner_iter
iter = iter + inner_iter
tired = iter ≥ itmax
timer = time_ns() - start_time
overtimed = timer > timemax_ns
(verbose > 0) && @printf("\n")

# Termination status
tired && (status = "maximum number of iterations exceeded")
solved && (status = "solution good enough given atol and rtol")
overtimed && (status = "time limit exceeded")

# Update Xₖ
warm_start && !restart && (X .+= ΔX)
solver.warm_start = false

# Update stats
stats.niter = iter
stats.solved = solved
stats.timer = ktimer(start_time)
stats.status = status
return solver
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions src/LinearSolvers/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
export BlockKrylovSolver, BlockGmresSolver, BlockGmresStats

allocate_if(bool, solver, v, S, m, n) = bool && isempty(solver.:($v)::S) && (solver.:($v)::S = S(undef, m, n))

function copy_triangle(Q::Matrix{FC}, R::Matrix{FC}, k::Int) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
for i = 1:k
for j = i:k
R[i,j] = Q[i,j]

@kernel function copy_triangle_kernel!(dest, src)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
if j >= i
@inbounds dest[i, j] = src[i, j]

function copy_triangle(Q::AbstractMatrix{FC}, R::AbstractMatrix{FC}, k::Int) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
backend = get_backend(Q)
ndrange = (k, k)
copy_triangle_kernel!(backend)(R, Q; ndrange=ndrange)

function householder!(Q::AbstractMatrix{FC}, R::AbstractMatrix{FC}, τ::AbstractVector{FC}; compact::Bool=false) where FC <: FloatOrComplex
n, k = size(Q)
R .= zero(FC)
LAPACK.geqrf!(Q, τ)
copy_triangle(Q, R, k)
!compact && LAPACK.orgqr!(Q, τ)
return Q, R

mutable struct BlockGmresStats{T} <: KrylovStats{T}
niter :: Int
solved :: Bool
residuals :: Vector{T}
timer :: Float64
status :: String

function reset!(stats :: BlockGmresStats)

"Abstract type for using block Krylov solvers in-place"
abstract type BlockKrylovSolver{T,FC,SV,SM} end

Type for storing the vectors required by the in-place version of BLOCK-GMRES.
The outer constructors
solver = BlockGmresSolver(m, n, p, memory, SV, SM)
solver = BlockGmresSolver(A, B; memory=5)
may be used in order to create these vectors.
`memory` is set to `div(n,p)` if the value given is larger than `div(n,p)`.
mutable struct BlockGmresSolver{T,FC,SV,SM} <: BlockKrylovSolver{T,FC,SV,SM}
m :: Int
n :: Int
p :: Int
ΔX :: SM
X :: SM
W :: SM
P :: SM
Q :: SM
C :: SM
D :: SM
V :: Vector{SM}
Z :: Vector{SM}
R :: Vector{SM}
H :: Vector{SM}
τ :: Vector{SV}
warm_start :: Bool
stats :: BlockGmresStats{T}

function BlockGmresSolver(m, n, p, memory, SV, SM)
memory = min(div(n,p), memory)
FC = eltype(SV)
T = real(FC)
ΔX = SM(undef, 0, 0)
X = SM(undef, n, p)
W = SM(undef, n, p)
P = SM(undef, 0, 0)
Q = SM(undef, 0, 0)
C = SM(undef, p, p)
D = SM(undef, 2p, p)
V = SM[SM(undef, n, p) for i = 1 : memory]
Z = SM[SM(undef, p, p) for i = 1 : memory]
R = SM[SM(undef, p, p) for i = 1 : div(memory * (memory+1), 2)]
H = SM[SM(undef, 2p, p) for i = 1 : memory]
τ = SV[SV(undef, p) for i = 1 : memory]
stats = BlockGmresStats(0, false, T[], 0.0, "unknown")
solver = BlockGmresSolver{T,FC,SV,SM}(m, n, p, ΔX, X, W, P, Q, C, D, V, Z, R, H, τ, false, stats)
return solver

function BlockGmresSolver(A, B; memory::Int=5)
m, n = size(A)
s, p = size(B)
SM = typeof(B)
SV = matrix_to_vector(SM)
BlockGmresSolver(m, n, p, memory, SV, SM)

for (KS, fun, nsol, nA, nAt) in ((:BlockGmresSolver, :block_gmres!, 1, 1, 0),)
@eval begin
size(solver :: $KS) = solver.m, solver.n
nrhs(solver :: $KS) = solver.p
statistics(solver :: $KS) = solver.stats
niterations(solver :: $KS) = solver.stats.niter
Aprod(solver :: $KS) = $nA * solver.stats.niter
Atprod(solver :: $KS) = $nAt * solver.stats.niter
nsolution(solver :: $KS) = $nsol
if $nsol == 1
solution(solver :: $KS) = solver.X
solution(solver :: $KS, p :: Integer) = (p == 1) ? solution(solver) : error("solution(solver) has only one output.")
issolved(solver :: $KS) = solver.stats.solved
function warm_start!(solver :: $KS, X0)
n, p = size(solver. X)
n2, p2 = size(X0)
SM = typeof(solver.X)
(n == n2 && p == p2) || error("X0 should have size ($n, $p)")
allocate_if(true, solver, :ΔX, SM, n, p)
copyto!(solver.ΔX, X0)
solver.warm_start = true
return solver

function sizeof(stats_solver :: BlockKrylovSolver)
type = typeof(stats_solver)
nfields = fieldcount(type)
storage = 0
for i = 1:nfields
field_i = getfield(stats_solver, i)
size_i = ksizeof(field_i)
storage += size_i
return storage

show(io, solver; show_stats=true)
Statistics of `solver` are displayed if `show_stats` is set to true.
function show(io :: IO, solver :: BlockKrylovSolver{T,FC,S}; show_stats :: Bool=true) where {T <: AbstractFloat, FC <: FloatOrComplex{T}, S <: AbstractVector{FC}}
workspace = typeof(solver)
name_solver = string(
name_stats = string(typeof(solver.stats)
nbytes = sizeof(solver)
storage = format_bytes(nbytes)
architecture = S <: Vector ? "CPU" : "GPU"
l1 = max(length(name_solver), length(string(FC)) + 11) # length("Precision: ") = 11
nchar = workspace <: BlockGmresSolver ? 8 : 0 # length("Vector{}") = 8
l2 = max(ndigits(solver.m) + 7, length(architecture) + 14, length(string(S)) + nchar) # length("nrows: ") = 7 and length("Architecture: ") = 14
l2 = max(l2, length(name_stats) + 2 + length(string(T))) # length("{}") = 2
l3 = max(ndigits(solver.n) + 7, length(storage) + 9) # length("Storage: ") = 9 and length("cols: ") = 7
format = Printf.Format("│%$(l1)s│%$(l2)s│%$(l3)s│\n")
format2 = Printf.Format("│%$(l1+1)s│%$(l2)s│%$(l3)s│\n")
@printf(io, "┌%s┬%s┬%s┐\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
Printf.format(io, format, "$(name_solver)", "nrows: $(solver.m)", "ncols: $(solver.n)")
@printf(io, "├%s┼%s┼%s┤\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
Printf.format(io, format, "Precision: $FC", "Architecture: $architecture","Storage: $storage")
@printf(io, "├%s┼%s┼%s┤\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
Printf.format(io, format, "Attribute", "Type", "Size")
@printf(io, "├%s┼%s┼%s┤\n", ""^l1, ""^l2, ""^l3)
for i=1:fieldcount(workspace)
name_i = fieldname(workspace, i)
type_i = fieldtype(workspace, i)
field_i = getfield(solver, name_i)
size_i = ksizeof(field_i)
if (name_i::Symbol in [:w̅, :w̄, :d̅]) && (VERSION < v"1.8.0-DEV")
(size_i 0) && Printf.format(io, format2, string(name_i), type_i, format_bytes(size_i))
(size_i 0) && Printf.format(io, format, string(name_i), type_i, format_bytes(size_i))
@printf(io, "└%s┴%s┴%s┘\n",""^l1,""^l2,""^l3)
if show_stats
@printf(io, "\n")
show(io, solver.stats)
return nothing