Goal: a simple, lightweight service for:
- Generating parts of speech tags for a body of text
- Obtaining the form of a word given a parts of speech tag
- Obtaining basic tokenization of a given body of text (sentences)
This service doesn't have any logic other than to wrap APIs from TextBlob and
Lemminflect. This runs textblob and
lemminflect as APIs behind FastAPI in
a docker container. The supported actions from textblob are tags
, and
, but more may be added. The supported action from lemminflect is
. Contributions are welcome. Note this doesn't do anything with
certs/ssl/tls/https. Setting up a cluster for ssl termination isn't in scope
[temporary update] The container logic has been rewritten to craft together a working version on Python 3.9. The previous logic (referenced below) uses the official container image(s) from FastAPI but Python 3.9 hasn't been added yet. As a result, building the container per instructions below will create a Python 3.9-based container. Documentation and code will be returned to the official versions after support is released.
Builds on the FastAPI official container image from https://hub.docker.com/r/tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi/ per the FastAPI deployment docs for Python 3.6.
Current image tag: python3.7-2020-12-19
Textblob is an NLP library written in Python. See textblob docs. From Textblob: "TextBlob is a Python (2 and 3) library for processing textual data. It provides a simple API for diving into common natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, translation, and more."source
Current Textblob version: 0.15.3
Lemminflect is an NLP library written in Python with a purpose of providing an English word inflection system. From Lemminflect: "LemmInflect uses a dictionary approach to lemmatize English words and inflect them into forms specified by a user supplied Universal Dependencies or Penn Treebank tag. The library works with out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words by applying neural network techniques to classify word forms and choose the appropriate morphing rules."source Lemminflect is one of a handful of libraries that will take a word and a Part of Speech tag and return a best effort at the form of that word corresponding to the supplied Part of Speech. See the lemminflect repo.
Current Lemminflect version: 0.2.2
python -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
python -m textblob.download_corpora
docker build -t text-inflector-image .
docker run -d --name text-inflector -p 1234:80 text-inflector-image // (replace 1234 with the port you want the container to expose)
By default w/no intervention the service will listen on port 80 and expose port 80 on the container. If run locally, map 80 to a different external port to avoid conflicts. To set a different listen port on the service and expose a different port from the container, pass the API_LISTEN_PORT build argument with a port value to docker build. This is required when building for non-local deployment.
docker stop text-inflector
docker rm text-inflector
Get the Parts of Speech tags for a given body of text. See the Penn treebank parts of speech for a map of tags/meanings.
Endpoint: /tags
Action: POST
Example JSON body: '{"text": "I am a pear" }'
Expected Response:
{ "tags": [["I", "PRP"], ["am", "VBP"], ["a", "DT"], ["pear", "NN"]] }
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "I am a pear"}' http://localhost:1234/tags
Get the inflected form of a word corresponding to a Part of Speech tag. Note that the supplied JSON body has required key (object) names (word
and pos
) per FastAPIs Body
Endpoint: /inflections
Action: POST
Example JSON body: '{
"word": { "text": "pear" },
"pos": { "tag": "NNS" }
Expected Response:
{'inflection': ['pears']}
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "word": { "text": "pear" }, "pos": { "tag": "NNS" } }' http://localhost:1234/inflections
Get a list of sentences (strings) in a given body of text Endpoint: /sentences Action: POST Example JSON body: '{ "text": "I am a pear." }' Expected Response: '{ "sentences": ["I am a pear."] }'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "I am a pear."}' http://localhost:1234/tokenizations