This code is meant as a proof of concept for the encoding and decoding of the Insteon RF protocol
For Protocol Information see Doc/pkt_format.txt
Cracking the CRC : Reverse-Engineering a CRC
The Hardware used here can be rtlsdr style dongles or hack-rf, or any device streaming 8bit Inphase Quadrature data
There is also support for using the cc1111emk868 usb donngle with rfcat
Raw data files are either signed or unsigned 8 bit IQ Inphase Quadrature data Intermediate data is exchanged as ASCII strings of "1" and "0" with packets broken up with newlines, empty and lines starting with '#' are ignored or treated as meta data.
Thus removing any problems with bit or byte order as well as bit or word alignment.
( This is modeled after Jef Poskanzer's NetPBM data transfer solution )
fsk2_demod a generic FCK2 demodulator
fsk2_mod a generic FCK2 modulator (BROKEN)
rf_clip reads IQ input and breaks data into packets with super lame squelch algorithm reads ASCII binary decodes Insteon packet Verbose Diag tool for looking at packet I/O generates Insteon packet in ASCII binary transmits data with Rfcat input ASCII binary script to transmit with hack-rf receive data and demodulate with Rfcat ( outputs ASCII binary ) receive data with rtl-sdr dongle ( output unsigned 8 bit ) receive data with hackrf ( output signed 8 bit )**
** hackrf_reciv requires mod hackrf_transfer to write to stdout
python libs (work in progress ) : Lookup table for insteon commands many different manchster encoding funtions functions to parse ascii IO streams generate or process packets
S/plot*.png plots of FSK demod
liquid-dsp is needed for fsk2_mod
Assuming you successfully compiled the demodulator
./fsk2_demod -U < Dat/41802513110D2711018C00.dat | ./
should print :
41 : 80 25 13 : 11 0D 27 : 11 01 8C 00 crc 8C
./ | ./fsk2_demod | ./
./ | ./
./ | ./fsk2_demod | ./
( requires mod to hackrf_transfer to write to stdout )
./ -r 07 : E5 3F 16 : 80 25 13 : 11 BF 13 00 00 AA | ./fsk2_mod | ./
./ -r 07 : E5 3F 16 : 80 25 13 : 11 BF 13 00 00 AA | ./
./ -d 163FE5 -s 132580 13 00 | ./