Version: 0.65.3
Added support for node-jrpc protocol changes.
Added cache for the last key block.
Config parameters:last-key-block-cache-enabled
– default istrue
– cached block TTL. Default is five min.
This cached block is returned for the following queries:-
blocks( filter: { key_block: { eq: true } workchain_id: { eq: -1 } } orderBy: [{ direction: DESC path: "seq_no" }] ) limit: 1 )
blockchain { key_blocks(last:1) }
Added timeouts for external service queries:
– timeout seconds for ArangoDB queries.config.accountProvider.evernodeRpc.timeout
– timeout millis for Evernode RPC queries.config.blockBocs.s3.timeout
– timeout millis for block storage S3 queries.
Added support for YAML config file.
timing stat.