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Smartfin Ride API

This api is built on top of the Django REST framework and can be used to fetch IMU and Ocean data captured by the Smartfin surfboard tool, analyzed and processed by UCSD's Engineers for Exploration Smartfin Research Team.


Installation (recommended to do this in a virtual environment)

pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
pip install -r requirements.txt


use the runserver commmand from to host the api on your local machine

python runserver


API info endpoints

Endpoint HTTP Method Result
ride GET Get list of api endpoints and functionaltiy
ride/rides GET Get list of ids of all rides currently in database
ride/fields GET Get list of ride's fields

Get ride data

Endpoint HTTP Method Result
ride/rides/rideId={str:rideId} GET/POST/DELETE Get, post, or delete ride data by id
ride/rides/rideId={str:rideId}/fields={str:fields} GET Get specified fields of a ride data entry. Specify multiple fields by separating them with a "," i.e. "heightSmartfin,startDate"
ride/rides/location={str:location} GET Get list of ride datas filtered by location. Location can be the name of the city or county the session took place
ride/rides/location={str:location}/fields={str:fields} GET Get list of ride data fields filtered by location. Specify multiple fields with "," separation
ride/rides/startDate={int:startDate}/endDate={int:endDate} GET Get list of ride datas that occured between the start and end date specified. Dates are formatted in unix time
ride/rides/startDate={int:startDate}/endDate={int:endDate}/fields={str:fields} GET Get list of ride datas that occured between the start and end date specified. Specify multiple fields with "," separation. Unix time dates.

other functionality

Endpoint HTTP Method Result
rides/rideId={str:rideId}/dataframes/type={str:datatype} GET get a CSV file of a smartfin session's data. Datatype can be either 'motion' (IMU sensor data) or 'ocean' (ocean sensor data)
buoys GET get list of all currently deployed CDIP buoys

Usage Examples

get info about api endpoints:

import requests
response = requests.get('')
data = response.json()


 'List api endpoints': '/',
 'List ride fields': '/fields',
 'Get all rides in db': '/rides',
 'Get field of all rides in db': '/rides/fields=<str:fields>',
 'Get single ride': '/rides/rideId=<str:rideId>',
 'Filter rides by location': '/rides/location=<str:location>',
 'Filter rides by date': '/rides/startDate=<str:startDate>,endDate=<str:endDate>',
 'Get single ride attribute': 'rides/rideId=<str:rideId>/fields=<str:fields>',
 'Get attributes of rides filtered by location': 'rides/location=<str:location>/fields=<str:fields>',
 'Get attributes of rides filtered by date': 'rides/startDate=<str:startDate>,endDate=<str:endDate>/fields=<str:fields>',
 'Update heights of all rides in database': 'update-heights',
 'Get list of active CDIP buoys': 'buoys'

fetching all rides in san diego

import requests
response = requests.get('{location}')
data = response.json()


In the repository there is a jupyter notebook that tests all the endpoints of the API, which you can test each endpoint individually, specifying all parameters and filters.

Raw Dataframe download

The API allows you to download processed dataframes with IMU and Ocean data of every smartfin session collected directly from our sensors.


Contains all motion data from a smartfin session collected by the Smartfin's IMU sensors. Sample rate: 1s (1Hz) Time: Unix Time



  • IMU A1: acceleration along x-axis (surfboard lengthwise direction) in m/s^2
  • IMU A2: acceleration along y-axis (up/down direction) in m/s^2
  • IMU A3: acceleration along z-axis (surfboard lengthwise direction) in m/s^

The rest of the fields are not used in our analysis currently, however each sensor number (1, 2, 3) correspond to the same directions as the accelerometer Gyroscope: +/- 1000 degrees/s 32.8 LSB/deg/s

  • IMU G1: Negative → Roll left Positive → Roll right
  • IMU G2: Positive → Left yaw/turn Negative → Right yaw/turn
  • IMU G3: Positive → Upwards pitch / flip backwards Negative → Downwards pitch / flip forwards

Magnetometer Scale is +/- 32760 with signed 16-bits (+/-8180 in 14-bit mode) with full scale being +/- 4192 micro-Teslas Magnetometer: IMU M1, IMU M2, IMU M3

parsing motion and ocean CSV string into a pandas dataframe through BytesIO:

from io import BytesIO
import pandas as pd

csv_str = BytesIO(data['motionData'])
dataframe = pd.read_csv(csv_str)


backend api code for smartfin webapp






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