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#mullaeinstant_ explores the modus operandi of an art “work”. It traces how the various activities of creation taking place in Mullae, a space of the real, come to be saved, circulated, reproduced and dispersed through the cyber space, a visual field to be manipulated as well as an apparatus that mediates them all. #mullaeinstant_ is thus an experiment on the physical/conceptual elasticity of the stage. It has been selected as part of “2019 MEET” organized by Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture and Seoul Art Space Mullae, and sponsored by GS SHOP.
- Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/eunchurn/mullae-instant
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Then run dev script
npm run dev
- Open
, Browser sync UIlocalhost:3101
npm run build
- Modify remote repository and branch in
npm run deploy
The following open source projects have helped to bring together applications that can use React.js and Three.js and a desktop on the web.
- Original code: example code of https://github.com/drcmda/react-three-fiber
- Copyright (c) 2019 Paul Henschel and other contributors. Released under the MIT license.
- modified by Eunchurn Park
- Original code: https://github.com/ShizukuIchi/winXP and https://github.com/ShizukuIchi/fake-screen
- Copyright (c) 2019 Shizuku Yang and other contributors. Released under the MIT license.
- The Windows XP name, artwork, trademark are surely property of Microsoft. This project is provided for educational purposes only. It is not affiliated with and has not been approved by Microsoft.
- modified by Eunchurn Park