igp.rb is an interactive gnuplot program designed for easy 2D plotting of time series data from CSV files.
igp.rb [csv file a] [csv file b] ... etc.
by default, the first variable from [csv file a] is plotted in a new window, and details of all files are shown in the terminal. interactive-mode is established.
each can have a number in front without spaces y : year m : month w : week d : day h : hour
NOTE: Any number of these items can be used on a single line with a space between each.
4 |6w y0,5 plot variable 4 from each .csv file; set the time axis from start-time to 6-weeks from that; set the y-axis range from 0 to 5
plot each variable from [csv file a]
plot variable 6 from [csv file a]
plot the next variable in the file
plot the previous variable in the file
plot variable 3 from [csv file a], and variable 5 from all csv files
plot variables 2 and 3 from all csv files
set the x-axis range to the largest extent of time
set the x-axis range to the overlapping time
set the x-axis range to the start and end times from [csv file a]
set the x-axis to the next full year
set the x-axis to 3 weeks and centered
keep the start time as-is, and set the end time to 2 days from that
keep the end time as-is, and set the start time to 6 months prior to that
set the x-axis range to 0.25 years and centered
set the x-axis start time to be June 1, 2008
s2001 e2004
set the x-axis range to be Jan 1, 2001 to Jan 1 2004
set the x-axis center point to this date
move one entire time axis forward in time
move two whole time axes forward in time
move 3 whote time axes backward in time
expand time outward
shrink time inward
expand time outward, faster
shrink the time axis by 20 percent
retain the start time, but move the end time forward
move the start time forward, but retain the end time
set the y-axis range from 100 to 450
set the y-axis lower limit to -5
set the y-axis upper limit to 85
set the y-axis to auto-mode (this will automatically determine the y-axis limits); if the y-axis is already in auto-mode, then this will set the time axis to a centered 1-year range
toggle :show_cmd
set :linewidth to 2
set :style to linepoints
display file info
quit the program
do the previous command again
variable names must be a comma-separated list on a single line in the file,
beginning with the word 'fields,'
the input csv file(s) time format is '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
any lines that begin with a non-numeric character are ignored in the input csv file(s)