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hevm: wip multiple contracts
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zoep committed Sep 4, 2023
1 parent 409aea1 commit 631a2f8
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Showing 2 changed files with 45 additions and 24 deletions.
34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions src/CLI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout)
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,28 +191,33 @@ coq' f = do

hevm :: FilePath -> Text -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe ByteString -> Maybe ByteString -> Solvers.Solver -> Maybe Integer -> Bool -> IO ()
hevm actspec cid sol' code' initcode' solver' timeout debug' = do
hevm actspec _ sol' code' initcode' solver' timeout debug' = do
specContents <- readFile actspec
(initcode'', bytecode) <- getBytecode
let act = validation (\_ -> error "Too bad") id (enrich <$> compile specContents)
let opts = if debug' then debugVeriOpts else defaultVeriOpts
cmap <- createContractMap act

Solvers.withSolvers solver' 1 (naturalFromInteger <$> timeout) $ \solvers -> do
-- Constructor check
checkConstructors solvers opts initcode'' bytecode act (unpack cid)
-- Behavours check
checkBehaviours solvers opts bytecode act (unpack cid)
-- ABI exhaustiveness sheck
checkAbi solvers opts act bytecode
let opts = if debug' then debugVeriOpts else defaultVeriOpts

Solvers.withSolvers solver' 1 (naturalFromInteger <$> timeout) $ \solvers ->
checkContracts solvers opts cmap
getBytecode :: IO (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
getBytecode =

createContractMap :: Act -> IO (Map Id (Contract, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString))
createContractMap act = do
let (Act _ contracts) = act
foldM (\cmap spec'@(Contract cnstr _) -> do
let cid = _cname cnstr
(initcode'', runtimecode') <- getBytecode cid -- TODO do not reread the file each time
pure $ Map.insert cid (spec', initcode'', runtimecode') cmap
) mempty contracts

getBytecode :: Id -> IO (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
getBytecode cid =
case (sol', code', initcode') of
(Just f, Nothing, Nothing) -> do
solContents <- TIO.readFile f
bytecodes cid solContents
(Nothing, Just c, Just i) -> pure (i, c)
bytecodes (Text.pack cid) solContents
(Nothing, Just _, Just _) -> render (text "Only Solidity file supported") >> exitFailure -- pure (i, c)
(Nothing, Nothing, _) -> render (text "No runtime code is given") >> exitFailure
(Nothing, _, Nothing) -> render (text "No initial code is given") >> exitFailure
(Just _, Just _, _) -> render (text "Both Solidity file and runtime code are given. Please specify only one.") >> exitFailure
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35 changes: 25 additions & 10 deletions src/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import EVM.Solvers
import qualified EVM.Format as Format
import qualified EVM.Fetch as Fetch

import Debug.Trace

type family ExprType a where
ExprType 'AInteger = EVM.EWord
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,16 +116,15 @@ combineFragments' fragments start base = go (EVM.Lit start) fragments (base, [])
translateActBehvs :: Act -> BS.ByteString -> Id -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateActBehvs (Act store contracts) bytecode cid =
let slots = slotMap store in
concatMap (\(Contract _ behvs) -> translateBehvs slots bytecode behvs) contracts

concatMap (\(Contract _ behvs) -> translateBehvs slots bytecode behvs) contracts'
contracts' = filter (\(Contract constructor _) -> _cname constructor == cid) contracts

translateActConstr :: Act -> BS.ByteString -> Id -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)
translateActConstr (Act store contracts) bytecode cid = translateConstructor (slotMap store) ctor bytecode
ctor = case find (\(Contract constructor _) -> _cname constructor == cid) contracts of
Just (Contract ctor _) -> ctor
Just (Contract c _) -> c
Nothing -> error $ "Contract " <> cid <> " not found in Act spec"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ updatesToExpr :: Layout -> Id -> [StorageUpdate] -> ContractMap -> ContractMap
updatesToExpr layout cid upds initmap = foldl (flip $ updateToExpr layout cid) initmap upds

updateToExpr :: Layout -> Id -> StorageUpdate -> ContractMap -> ContractMap
updateToExpr layout cid (Update typ i@(Item _ _ ref) e) cmap =
updateToExpr layout cid upd@(Update typ i@(Item _ _ ref) e) cmap =
case typ of
SInteger -> M.insert addr (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract) cmap
SBoolean -> M.insert addr (updateStorage (EVM.SStore offset e') contract) cmap
SByteStr -> error "Bytestrings not supported"
SContract -> error "Contracts not supported"
SContract -> error $ "Contracts not supported. Expression: " <> show upd
(addr, slot) = getSlot layout cid (idFromItem i)
offset = offsetFromRef layout slot ref
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +406,9 @@ checkConstructors solvers opts initcode runtimecode act ctor = do
initVM <- stToIO $ abstractVM calldata initcode Nothing True
expr <- interpret ( solvers Nothing) Nothing 1 StackBased initVM runExpr
let simpl = if True then (simplify expr) else expr
traceM (T.unpack $ Format.formatExpr simpl)
let solbehvs = removeFails $ flattenExpr simpl
mapM_ (traceM . T.unpack . Format.formatExpr) actbehvs
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor results are equivalent.\x1b[m"
checkResult =<< checkEquiv solvers opts solbehvs actbehvs
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor input spaces are the same.\x1b[m"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,8 +466,8 @@ checkInputSpaces solvers opts l1 l2 = do

-- | Checks whether all successful EVM behaviors are withing the
-- interfaces specified by Act
checkAbi :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> Act -> BS.ByteString -> IO ()
checkAbi solver opts act bytecode = do
checkAbi :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> Act -> BS.ByteString -> Id -> IO ()
checkAbi solver opts act bytecode cid = do
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if the ABI of the contract matches the specification\x1b[m"
let txdata = EVM.AbstractBuf "txdata"
let selectorProps = assertSelector txdata <$> nubOrd (actSigs act)
Expand All @@ -481,9 +483,10 @@ checkAbi solver opts act bytecode = do

actSig (Behaviour _ _ iface _ _ _ _ _) = T.pack $ makeIface iface
actSigs (Act _ [(Contract _ behvs)]) = actSig <$> behvs
-- TODO multiple contracts
actSigs (Act _ _) = error "TODO multiple contracts"
actSigs (Act _ contracts) =
case find (\(Contract constructor _) -> _cname constructor == cid) contracts of
Just (Contract _ behvs) -> actSig <$> behvs
Nothing -> error $ "Internal error: Contract " <> cid <> " not found in Act spec"

checkBehv :: [EVM.Prop] -> EVM.Expr EVM.End -> [EVM.Prop]
checkBehv assertions (EVM.Success cnstr _ _ _) = assertions <> cnstr
Expand All @@ -494,6 +497,18 @@ checkAbi solver opts act bytecode = do

msg = "\x1b[1mThe following function selector results in behaviors not covered by the Act spec:\x1b[m"

checkContracts :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> M.Map Id (Contract, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString) -> IO ()
checkContracts solvers opts cmap = error "TODO"

-- -- Constructor check
-- checkConstructors solvers opts initcode bytecode act (unpack cid)
-- -- Behavours check
-- checkBehaviours solvers opts bytecode act (unpack cid)
-- -- ABI exhaustiveness sheck
-- checkAbi solvers opts act bytecode (unpack cid)

-- | decompiles the given EVM bytecode into a list of Expr branches
getBranches :: SolverGroup -> BS.ByteString -> Calldata -> IO [EVM.Expr EVM.End]
getBranches solvers bs calldata = do
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