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Decompile: basic storage rewrites supported
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d-xo committed Sep 29, 2023
1 parent a2820bf commit 5313d94
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 9 deletions.
81 changes: 72 additions & 9 deletions src/Decompile.hs
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Expand Up @@ -19,20 +19,19 @@ This module decompiles EVM bytecode into an Act spec. It operates as follows
module Decompile where

import Debug.Trace

import Prelude hiding (LT, GT)

import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Typeable
import EVM.ABI (AbiKind(..), abiKind)
import EVM.Fetch qualified as Fetch
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,9 +68,10 @@ summarize solvers contract = do
runExceptT $ do
ctor <- ExceptT creation
behvs <- ExceptT runtime
-- TODO: raise error if we have packed slots
layout <- ExceptT . pure . toErr "missing storage layout in solc output" $ contract.storageLayout
pure $ EVMContract
{ name = contract.contractName
{ name = snd $ T.breakOnEnd ":" contract.contractName
, storageLayout = layout
, runtime = behvs
, creation = ctor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,16 +120,13 @@ mkStore :: EVMContract -> Store
mkStore c = Map.singleton (T.unpack (Map.mapKeys T.unpack $ fmap fromitem c.storageLayout)
fromitem item = (convslot item.slotType, toInteger item.slot)
convslot (EVM.StorageMapping a b) = StorageMapping (fmap PrimitiveType a) (PrimitiveType b)
convslot (EVM.StorageValue a) = StorageValue (PrimitiveType a)

-- | Build an act constructor spec from the summarized bytecode
mkConstructor :: EVMContract -> Either Text Constructor
mkConstructor cs
| Set.size (snd cs.creation) == 1 =
case head (Set.elems (snd cs.creation)) of
EVM.Success props _ _ _ -> do
traceShowM props
ps <- mapM fromProp props
pure $ Constructor
{ _cname = T.unpack
Expand All @@ -148,7 +145,7 @@ mkBehvs :: EVMContract -> Either Text [Behaviour]
mkBehvs c = concatMapM (\(i, bs) -> mapM (mkbehv i) (Set.toList bs)) (Map.toList c.runtime)
mkbehv :: Method -> EVM.Expr EVM.End -> Either Text Behaviour
mkbehv method (EVM.Success props _ retBuf _) = do
mkbehv method (EVM.Success props _ retBuf state) = do
pres <- mapM fromProp props
ret <- case method.output of
[] -> Right Nothing
Expand All @@ -161,18 +158,72 @@ mkBehvs c = concatMapM (\(i, bs) -> mapM (mkbehv i) (Set.toList bs)) (Map.toList
pure . Just . TExp SInteger $ v
Dynamic -> Left "cannot decompile methods that return dynamically sized types"
_ -> Left "cannot decompile methods with multiple return types"
rewrites <- case Map.toList state of
[(EVM.SymAddr "entrypoint", contract)] -> do
partitioned <- partitionStorage
mkRewrites (invertLayout c.storageLayout) partitioned
[(_, _)] -> error $ "Internal Error: state contains a single entry for an unexpected contract:\n" <> show state
[] -> error "Internal Error: unexpected empty state"
_ -> Left "cannot decompile methods that update storage on other contracts"
pure $ Behaviour
{ _contract = T.unpack
, _interface = behvIface method
, _name = T.unpack
, _preconditions = pres
, _caseconditions = mempty -- TODO: what to do here?
, _postconditions = mempty
, _stateUpdates = mempty -- TODO
, _stateUpdates = rewrites
, _returns = ret
mkbehv _ _ = Left "unexpected unsucessful branch"

-- TODO: we probably need to diff against the prestore or smth to be sound here
mkRewrites :: Text -> Map (Integer, Integer) (Text, SlotType) -> DistinctStore -> Either Text [Rewrite]
mkRewrites cname layout (DistinctStore writes) = forM (Map.toList writes) $ \(slot,item) ->
case Map.lookup (toInteger slot, 0) layout of
Just (name, typ) -> case typ of
StorageValue v -> case v of
PrimitiveType t -> case abiKind t of
Static -> case t of
AbiTupleType _ -> Left "cannot decompile methods that write to tuple in storage"
AbiFunctionType -> Left "cannot decompile methods that store function pointers"
_ -> do
val <- fromWord item
pure (Rewrite (Update SInteger (Item SInteger v (SVar nowhere (T.unpack cname) (T.unpack name))) val))
Dynamic -> Left "cannot decompile methods that store dynamically sized types"
ContractType {} -> Left "cannot decompile contracts that have contract types in storage"
StorageMapping {} -> Left "cannot decompile contracts that write to mappings"
Nothing -> Left $ "write to a storage location that is not mentioned in the solc layout: " <> (T.pack $ show slot)

newtype DistinctStore = DistinctStore (Map (EVM.W256) (EVM.Expr EVM.EWord))

-- | Attempts to decompose an input storage expression into a map from provably distinct keys to abstract words
-- currently only supports stores where all writes are to concrete locations
-- supporting writes to symbolic locations would requires calling an smt solver
partitionStorage :: EVM.Expr EVM.Storage -> Either Text DistinctStore
partitionStorage = go mempty
go :: Map EVM.W256 (EVM.Expr EVM.EWord) -> EVM.Expr EVM.Storage -> Either Text DistinctStore
go curr = \case
EVM.AbstractStore _ -> pure $ DistinctStore curr
EVM.ConcreteStore s -> do
let s' = Map.toList (fmap EVM.Lit s)
new = foldl' checkedInsert curr s'
pure $ DistinctStore new
EVM.SStore (EVM.Lit k) v base -> go (checkedInsert curr (k,v)) base
EVM.SStore {} -> Left "cannot decompile contracts with writes to symbolic storage slots"
EVM.GVar _ -> error "Internal Error: unexpected GVar"

-- this is safe because:
-- 1. we traverse top down
-- 2. we only consider lit keys in go
checkedInsert curr (key, val) = case Map.lookup key curr of
-- if a key was already written to higher in the write chain, ignore this write
Just _ -> curr
-- if this is the first time we have seen a key then insert it
Nothing -> Map.insert key val curr

-- | Convert an HEVM Prop into a boolean Exp
fromProp :: EVM.Prop -> Either Text (Exp ABoolean)
fromProp p = case p of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +255,9 @@ fromWord w = case w of

-- Verification ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Verify that the decompiled spec is equivalent to the input bytecodes
-- This compiles the generated act spec back down to an Expr and then checks that the two are equivalent
verifyDecompilation :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Act -> IO ()
verifyDecompilation creation runtime spec =
withSolvers CVC5 4 Nothing $ \solvers -> do
Expand All @@ -230,6 +283,16 @@ ctorIface args = Interface "constructor" (fmap (\(n, t) -> Decl t (T.unpack n))
behvIface :: Method -> Interface
behvIface method = Interface (T.unpack (fmap (\(n, t) -> Decl t (T.unpack n)) method.inputs)

convslot :: EVM.SlotType -> SlotType
convslot (EVM.StorageMapping a b) = StorageMapping (fmap PrimitiveType a) (PrimitiveType b)
convslot (EVM.StorageValue a) = StorageValue (PrimitiveType a)

invertLayout :: Map Text StorageItem -> Map (Integer, Integer) (Text, SlotType)
invertLayout = Map.fromList . fmap go . Map.toList
go :: (Text, StorageItem) -> ((Integer, Integer), (Text, SlotType))
go (n, i) = ((toInteger i.slot, toInteger i.offset), (n, convslot i.slotType))

-- Repl Stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Expand Down

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