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Type error fixes from most recent version of hevm (#165)
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* HEVM: pretty calldata decoding

* smt: add type signature

* hevm dump

* CLI: fix solc function

* Lex: add qualifier


Co-authored-by: dxo <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
zoep and d-xo authored Oct 24, 2023
1 parent 2a9d345 commit 05f4351
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Showing 5 changed files with 69 additions and 41 deletions.
54 changes: 36 additions & 18 deletions flake.lock

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/CLI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ hevm actspec cid sol' code' initcode' solver' timeout debug' = do

bytecodes :: Text -> Text -> IO (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
bytecodes cid src = do
(json, path) <- solidity' src
json <- solc Solidity src
let (Contracts sol', _, _) = fromJust $ readStdJSON json
pure $ ((fromJust . Map.lookup (path <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').creationCode,
(fromJust . Map.lookup (path <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').runtimeCode)
pure $ ((fromJust . Map.lookup ("hevm.sol" <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').creationCode,
(fromJust . Map.lookup ("hevm.sol" <> ":" <> cid) $ sol').runtimeCode)

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43 changes: 26 additions & 17 deletions src/HEVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ import Syntax.Annotated
import Syntax.Untyped (makeIface)
import Syntax

import qualified EVM.Types as EVM hiding (Contract(..))
import EVM.ABI (Sig(..))
import qualified EVM.Types as EVM hiding (Contract(..), FrameState(..))
import EVM.Expr hiding (op2, inRange)
import EVM.SymExec hiding (EquivResult, isPartial)
import qualified EVM.SymExec as SymExec (EquivResult)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,19 +115,19 @@ combineFragments' fragments start base = go (EVM.Lit start) fragments (base, [])

-- * Act translation

translateActBehvs :: Act -> BS.ByteString -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateActBehvs :: Act -> BS.ByteString -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata, Sig)]
translateActBehvs (Act store contracts) bytecode =
let slots = slotMap store in
concatMap (\(Contract _ behvs) -> translateBehvs slots bytecode behvs) contracts

translateActConstr :: Act -> BS.ByteString -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)
translateActConstr :: Act -> BS.ByteString -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata, Sig)
translateActConstr (Act store [Contract ctor _]) bytecode = translateConstructor (slotMap store) ctor bytecode
translateActConstr (Act _ _) _ = error "TODO multiple contracts"

translateConstructor :: Layout -> Constructor -> BS.ByteString -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)
translateConstructor :: Layout -> Constructor -> BS.ByteString -> (Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata, Sig)
translateConstructor layout (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _) bytecode =
(cid, [EVM.Success (snd calldata <> (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds)) mempty (EVM.ConcreteBuf bytecode) (updatesToExpr layout cid upds initmap)],
calldata, ifaceToSig iface)
calldata = makeCtrCalldata iface
initcontract = EVM.C { EVM.code = EVM.RuntimeCode (EVM.ConcreteRuntimeCode bytecode)
Expand All @@ -136,22 +137,30 @@ translateConstructor layout (Constructor cid iface preconds _ _ upds _) bytecode
initmap = M.fromList [(initAddr, initcontract)]

translateBehvs :: Layout -> BS.ByteString -> [Behaviour] -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata)]
translateBehvs :: Layout -> BS.ByteString -> [Behaviour] -> [(Id, [EVM.Expr EVM.End], Calldata, Sig)]
translateBehvs layout bytecode behvs =
let groups = (groupBy sameIface behvs) :: [[Behaviour]] in
fmap (\behvs' -> (behvName behvs', fmap (translateBehv layout bytecode) behvs', behvCalldata behvs')) groups
fmap (\behvs' -> (behvName behvs', fmap (translateBehv layout bytecode) behvs', behvCalldata behvs', behvSig behvs)) groups

behvCalldata (Behaviour _ _ iface _ _ _ _ _:_) = makeCalldata iface
behvCalldata [] = error "Internal error: behaviour groups cannot be empty"

behvSig (Behaviour _ _ iface _ _ _ _ _:_) = ifaceToSig iface
behvSig [] = error "Internal error: behaviour groups cannot be empty"

-- TODO remove reduntant name in behaviours
sameIface (Behaviour _ _ iface _ _ _ _ _) (Behaviour _ _ iface' _ _ _ _ _) =
makeIface iface == makeIface iface'

behvName (Behaviour _ _ (Interface name _) _ _ _ _ _:_) = name
behvName [] = error "Internal error: behaviour groups cannot be empty"

ifaceToSig :: Interface -> Sig
ifaceToSig (Interface name args) = Sig (T.pack name) (fmap fromdecl args)
fromdecl (Decl t _) = t

translateBehv :: Layout -> BS.ByteString -> Behaviour -> EVM.Expr EVM.End
translateBehv layout bytecode (Behaviour _ cid _ preconds caseconds _ upds ret) =
EVM.Success (fmap (toProp layout) $ preconds <> caseconds) mempty (returnsToExpr layout ret) (rewritesToExpr layout cid upds bytecode)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,31 +404,31 @@ checkEquiv solvers opts l1 l2 =

checkConstructors :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Act -> IO ()
checkConstructors solvers opts initcode runtimecode act = do
let (_, actbehvs, calldata) = translateActConstr act runtimecode
let (_, actbehvs, calldata, sig) = translateActConstr act runtimecode
initVM <- stToIO $ abstractVM calldata initcode Nothing True
expr <- interpret ( solvers Nothing) Nothing 1 StackBased initVM runExpr
let simpl = if True then (simplify expr) else expr
let solbehvs = removeFails $ flattenExpr simpl
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor results are equivalent.\x1b[m"
checkResult =<< checkEquiv solvers opts solbehvs actbehvs
checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkEquiv solvers opts solbehvs actbehvs
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if constructor input spaces are the same.\x1b[m"
checkResult =<< checkInputSpaces solvers opts solbehvs actbehvs
checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkInputSpaces solvers opts solbehvs actbehvs
removeFails branches = filter isSuccess $ branches

checkBehaviours :: SolverGroup -> VeriOpts -> ByteString -> Act -> IO ()
checkBehaviours solvers opts bytecode act = do
let actbehvs = translateActBehvs act bytecode
flip mapM_ actbehvs $ \(name,behvs,calldata) -> do
flip mapM_ actbehvs $ \(name,behvs,calldata,sig) -> do
solbehvs <- removeFails <$> getBranches solvers bytecode calldata
putStrLn $ "\x1b[1mChecking behavior \x1b[4m" <> name <> "\x1b[m of Act\x1b[m"
-- equivalence check
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if behaviour is matched by EVM\x1b[m"
checkResult =<< checkEquiv solvers opts solbehvs behvs
checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkEquiv solvers opts solbehvs behvs
-- input space exhaustiveness check
putStrLn "\x1b[1mChecking if the input spaces are the same\x1b[m"
checkResult =<< checkInputSpaces solvers opts solbehvs behvs
checkResult calldata (Just sig) =<< checkInputSpaces solvers opts solbehvs behvs
removeFails branches = filter isSuccess $ branches

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,7 +479,7 @@ checkAbi solver opts act bytecode = do
("abi-query-" <> show idx <> ".smt2")
(formatSMT2 q <> "\n\n(check-sat)")

checkResult =<< fmap (toVRes msg) <$> mapConcurrently (checkSat solver) queries
checkResult (txdata, []) Nothing =<< fmap (toVRes msg) <$> mapConcurrently (checkSat solver) queries

actSig (Behaviour _ _ iface _ _ _ _ _) = T.pack $ makeIface iface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,8 +546,8 @@ toVRes msg res = case res of
Error e -> error $ "Internal Error: solver responded with error: " <> show e

checkResult :: [EquivResult] -> IO ()
checkResult res =
checkResult :: Calldata -> Maybe Sig -> [EquivResult] -> IO ()
checkResult calldata sig res =
case any isCex res of
False -> do
putStrLn "\x1b[42mNo discrepancies found\x1b[m"
Expand All @@ -550,5 +559,5 @@ checkResult res =
TIO.putStrLn . T.unlines $
[ "\x1b[41mNot equivalent.\x1b[m"
, "" , "-----", ""
] <> (intersperse (T.unlines [ "", "-----" ]) $ fmap (\(msg, cex) -> msg <> "\n" <> formatCex (EVM.AbstractBuf "txdata") cex) cexs)
] <> (intersperse (T.unlines [ "", "-----" ]) $ fmap (\(msg, cex) -> msg <> "\n" <> formatCex (fst calldata) sig cex) cexs)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Lex.x
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ tokens :-
")" { mk RPAREN }
"[" { mk LBRACK }
"]" { mk RBRACK }
"=" { mk EQ }
">" { mk GT }
"<" { mk LT }
"=" { mk Lex.EQ }
">" { mk Lex.GT }
"<" { mk Lex.LT }
":" { mk COLON }
"+" { mk PLUS }
"-" { mk MINUS }
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/SMT.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -520,6 +520,7 @@ parseSMTModel s = if length s0Caps == 1
s0Caps = getCaptures s stage0
s1Caps = getCaptures (head s0Caps) stage1

getCaptures :: String -> String -> [String]
getCaptures str regex = captures
where (_, _, _, captures) = str =~ regex :: (String, String, String, [String])

Expand Down

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