Some tools to mess around with DHCP protocol. Useful for Active Directory Attacks or MITM LAN Attacks
- Deploy Rogue DHCP
- Sniff DHCP Discoveries
- MITM with Fake Router/DNS
Keep in mind that you must use other tools to complement MITM attacks with DHCP. For example:
- setting up a custom DNS Server
- configure ip forwarding/traffic inspection when impersonating a gateway
- faulty behaviour due to dhcp's protocol's nature
- DHCPv6 Support
- Multi-threading
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] {rogue-dhcp,fake-client} ...
DHCP Toolset
positional arguments:
Type of script
rogue-dhcp Deploy Rogue DHCP
fake-client Send fake DHCP requests to the network
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: rogue-dhcp [-h] -i IFACE [-s SERVER] [-r ROUTER] [-o OFFER]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IFACE, --iface IFACE
Network interface to listen
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
DHCP Server
-r ROUTER, --router ROUTER
Default Gateway IP
-o OFFER, --offer OFFER
IP to offer to Clients. Leave blank to random ip