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kic -- Kodkod in Clojure

kic is an ultrathin wrapper for the Kodkod constraint solver.

Kodkod is an efficient SAT-based constraint solver for relational logic, developed by Emina Torlak, see Kodkod, a constraint solver for relational logic.

kic is in no way complete, by now, it's more a playground - work in progress. E.g., Integer expressions, evaluations in models and extraction of unsat cores are not supported yet.

Furthermore, it's highly desirable to make kic as a Clojure API to Kodkod much more elegant.

Ingredients of a kic specification

The structure of our world

A kic specification is based on a fixed structure, comprising a finite universe of "things" and a set of relation variables.

The structure of the world for the problem to be solved is in Clojure represented as a map. It is build by the function structure:

structure things relvars where things is a vector of objects for our world, and relvars is a map of keys and arities, one for each relation variable in the structure.

As an example let's define a structure for a latin square of order 4:

(def ls-world
  (kic/structure [1 2 3 4] {:grid 3}))
;=> {:univ #<Universe [1, 2, 3, 4]>, :grid #<Relation grid>}  

The structure is ls-world with the universe :univ of the integers 1, 2, 3, 4 and a ternary relation variable :grid that represents the latin square to be build. Each tuple [x y d] denotes the value d in the cell with coordinates x and y of the latin square.

The constraints on the relvars of the structure

The constraints on the relation variables of the structure are formulated as formulae with expressions of the relational algebra.

The abstract syntax together with the semantic of Kodkod is described in figure 2-1 on page 29 of Emina Torlak A Constraint Solver for Software Engineering: Finding Models and Cores of Large Relational Specifications

kic does not much more than providing the same language in a lispy prefix syntax.

Continuing our example for a latin square, we have to specify that each cell has just one digit and that the digits in the rows and the columns of the latin square are pairwise different:

(defn- cells
  "Expression for the cells in the grid given by rows and cols."
  [structure rows cols]
  (kic/dotjoin cols (kic/dotjoin rows (kic/relvar structure :grid))))

(defn rules
  (let [x    (kic/variable :x)
        y    (kic/variable :y)
        u    kic/UNIV

        f1   (kic/forall [x y] (kic/one (cells structure x y)))
        ; "all x, y : one y.(x.grid), i.e. Each cell holds exactly one number."
        f2   (kic/forall [x y] (kic/no (kic/intersection
                                         (cells structure x y)
                                         (cells structure x (kic/difference u y)))))
        ; "all x, y : no y.(x.grid) ∩ (u-y).(x.grid), i.e. the number in a cell
        ; does not occur in another cell of the same row."
        f3   (kic/forall [x y] (kic/no (kic/intersection
                                         (cells structure x y)
                                         (cells structure (kic/difference u x) y))))
        ; "all x, y : no y.(x.grid) ∩ y.((u-x).grid), i.e. the number in a cell
        ; does not occur in another cell of the same column."
    (kic/and f1 f2 f3)))

Partial solutions defined by upper and lower bounds on the relation variables

In Kodkod one defines partial solutions for the specification by giving relations for the lower bound and the upper bound of allowed assignments to the relation variables.

The lower bound for a relation variable is a relation that must be a subset of any solution relation for the relation variable. The upper bound for a relation variable is a superset of any solution.

If we want to specify a latin square of order 4 with the first row given as 1 2 3 4, the bounds for the specification are:

(def lower
  #{[1 1 1]
    [1 2 2]
    [1 3 3]
    [1 4 4]})

(def upper
  #{[1 1 1]
    [1 2 2]
    [1 3 3]
    [1 4 4]
    [2 1 1] [2 1 2] [2 1 3] [2 1 4]
    [2 2 1] [2 2 2] [2 2 3] [2 2 4]
    [2 3 1] [2 3 2] [2 3 3] [2 3 4]
    [2 4 1] [2 4 2] [2 4 3] [2 4 4]
    [3 1 1] [3 1 2] [3 1 3] [3 1 4]
    [3 2 1] [3 2 2] [3 2 3] [3 2 4]
    [3 3 1] [3 3 2] [3 3 3] [3 3 4]
    [3 4 1] [3 4 2] [3 4 3] [3 4 4]
    [4 1 1] [4 1 2] [4 1 3] [4 1 4]
    [4 2 1] [4 2 2] [4 2 3] [4 2 4]
    [4 3 1] [4 3 2] [4 3 3] [4 3 4]
    [4 4 1] [4 4 2] [4 4 3] [4 4 4]})

(def bounds 
  (kic/bounds structure {:grid [lower upper]}))


In Kodkod the relation variables are called 'relation' and for the relations the term 'tupleset' is used. I prefer 'relation variable' (or short relvar) and 'relation' as used in the theory of relational algebra.

Running the solver

The Kodkod constraint solver translates the specification into a (huge) proposition and delegates the task to find a model to a SAT solver. If the SAT solver finds a satisfying valuation for the proposition it is translated back into relations that are assigned to the relation variables.

Let's generate a latin square from the specification above:

(defn solve-ls4 []
 (let  [sol (kic/solve constraints bounds)
        sol-grid (sort (:grid (kic/model sol)))]
    (map #(% 2) sol-grid)))

Given the partial latin square

| 1 2 3 4 |
| . . . . |
| . . . . |
| . . . . |

The result is:

| 1 2 3 4 |
| 4 3 1 2 |
| 2 1 4 3 |
| 3 4 2 1 |


Copyright (C) 2014 by Burkhardt Renz, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM).

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

kic is based on Kodkod licensed under the MIT license. Kodkod can be combined with a couple of SAT solvers that may have different licenses. The default SAT solver in kic is SAT4J, licensed under both the Eclipse Public License and the GNU LGPL licence.


A Clojure library wrapping the Kodkod constraint solver







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